This is going to be a relatively, short page because the setup of the Tenda AC15 was about as quick and simple as is humanly possible. It was the most brief setup we can remember, and consisted of just three steps. Users looking for an easy router setup will certainly be pleased.
Once everything was connected we consulted the manual and found we had to visit to access the router. When we did this screen appeared...
Clicking Start brought us to a screen where we had to examine the wireless settings, and change them if we wanted to, which we did. We also chose a login password, and found out there's no way to change the login user from admin. Some routers give you the ability to alter the default admin username and password to add an additional layer or security.
We changed the name of our networks (we live in Alameda) and clicked next, and that was it—we were connected and the router was setup and functional.
Had we clicked the Advanced button, we could have tunneled deeper and altered more settings if we wanted. But in terms of the general setup, to get the router up and running, with basic security enabled, we didn't need to. The setup was that quick and easy.
The window that greets you when you login to the main interface after the initial setup shows if your connection is working, along with the number of attached devices (top left). There's a handy link to the blacklist too, so you can easily blacklist any attached device.