Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon Ultrabook Review

Cinebench and PCMark 7

Maxon's Cinebench R11.5 benchmark is based on the company's Cinema 4D software used for 3D content creation and tests both the CPU and GPU in separate benchmark runs.

Cinebench R11.5 64-bit
3D Rendering Performance on CPU and GPU
On the CPU side, Cinebench renders a photorealistic 3D scene by tapping into up to 64 processing threads to process more than 300,000 total polygons, while the GPU benchmark measures graphics performance by manipulating nearly 1 million polygons and huge amounts of textures.

Here the Lenovo's ThinkPad X1 Carbon scales nicely with its Ivy Bridge brethren.  The Intel whitebook (reference platform) demonstrated here offers what could be considered as Intel's "best foot forward" in performance for this specific model of Core i5-3427U Ivy Bridge dual-core ultra low voltage processors.  The X1 Carbon, as you can see, closely kept pace.

Futuremark PCMark 7
General Application and Multimedia Performance
Futuremark's PCMark 7 is the latest version of the PCMark suite, recently released last spring. It has updated application performance measurements targeted for a Windows 7 environment. The benchmark combines 25 individual workloads covering storage, computation, image and video manipulation, Web browsing, and gaming.

This specific test is primarily affected by processor and storage subsystem performance.  Here again, the X1 Carbon clocks in about where expected, right on the heels of the Intel Core i5 Ivy Bridge whitebook.  Notice though the Zenbook UX21E's SSD may have offered better performance on our previous page of storage performance testing, the model tested here is based on the previous generation of Sandy Bridge dual-core technology and as such the Ivy Bridge-driven ThinkPad Carbon X1 holds a sizable edge over it in the benchmarks.  We'll be taking a look at Asus' latest Ivy Bridge-based Zenbooks soon but for now Lenovo holds the limelight.

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