Lost Planet 2 |
DX11 Gaming Performance |
A follow-up to Capcom’s Lost Planet : Extreme Condition, Lost Planet 2 is a third person shooter that takes place again on E.D.N. III ten years after the story line of the first title. We ran the game’s DX11 mode which makes heavy use of DX11 Tessellation and Displacement mapping and soft shadows. There are also areas of the game that make use of DX11 DirectCompute for things like wave simulation in areas with water. This is one game engine that looks significantly different in DX11 mode when you compare certain environmental elements and character rendering in its DX9 mode versus DX11.
It's no surprise that Lenovo's B750 bested the competition in Lost Planet 2. Even with dated drivers, having the faster GPU matters most here. What's more impressive to us is that it put up playable framerates at every resolution up to Full HD 1080p with High settings and 4xAA.
Aliens vs Predator |
Direct11 Gaming Performance |
The Aliens vs Predator benchmark makes use of the advanced Tessellation, screen space ambient occlusion and high-quality shadow features, available with DirectX 11. We kept things low-key in this benchmark run, dialing down the settings to Low and comparing 4xAA to 0xAA.
The B750 cranked out playable framerates in every test, though it barely squeaked by at 1920x1080 with 4xAA. All in all, the B750 has some gaming muscle, though once you move up to demanding titles, you may have to drop down the visual quality settings to ensure a smooth gaming experience.