IWill KK266Plus KT133A Motherboard Review

The IWill KK266Plus KT133A Motherboard Review - Page 3

The Iwill KK266Plus KT133A Motherboard
Its Nice, but DDR is here...

By, Marco Chiappetta
September 27, 2001

Ziff Davis Media's Business and Content Creation Winstone benchmarks are used to simulate "real-world" application performance...

More Performance
Time for the goods!


Business Winstone runs a few popular "office-type" applications through a series of scripted activities. monitors how long the system takes to complete those activities and calculates it's performance scores accordingly.

As you can see, the Iwill KK266Plus edged out the Shuttle AK11 by just a hair.  Seeing Business Winstone scores >40 on 1GHz., Windows ME systems is very good.  Let's move on to the more "stressing" Content Creation tests and see what happens...


Content Creation tests are similar to the Business tests, but consist of some more "bandwidth hungry" apps like Adobe Premiere 5.1 and Photoshop 5.5.

The performance between the two test systems is virtually identical, with a slight performance advantage going to the Iwill board.  Performance differences this small would be indiscernible in every day use.

The Iwill KK266Plus is a top performer in it's class.  The Iwill KK266Plus was very stable throughout testing, and managed to outperform a similar board from Shuttle in every test we ran.  Although the performance was good...very good considering you can find this board for about $100US...settling for a standard SDRAM based motherboard at this time isn't advisable.  If I was reviewing this board 6 months ago, I would definitely be singing it's praises, but with the prices of DDR RAM as low as they are, there is no compelling reason not to migrate to DDR.  If you already have a boatload of standard SDRAM that you're not willing to part with, and are looking for a great motherboard, then by all means consider the Iwill KK266Plus, it's an excellent product, but new system builders really should be looking for a DDR solution. We give the Iwill KK266Plus a HotHardware Heat Meter Rating of...

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Tags:  Motherboard, T1, Will, review, board, view, IE, AR, K

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