Intel Optane SSD DC P4800X With 3D Xpoint Memory Debuts Ultra-Low Latency Storage, New Memory Tier

Intel Optane SSD DC P4800X Performance Projections

Intel provided some performance data comparing its SSD SC P3700 to the Optane SSD DC P4800X, in a few different scenarios. We’re not going to dwell much on the charts because we haven’t run any independent tests for ourselves, rather we are providing the data to set expectations, according to Intel's claims of performance...

Intel Optane SSD DC p4800x performance

This first test shows read IO latency with the drive under load, to various degrees. As you can see, not only is the P4800X’s read IO latency significantly better, but it is very consistent regardless of load as well.

Optane SSD DC p4800x performance over queue depth

With a 70/30 mixed read write workload, the Optane SSD DC P4800X also offers between 5 and 8x better performance. Virtually all NAND-based SSDs reach their maximum performance levels at higher queue depths, which don’t often happen in the real world. Lower queue depths are much more common, and this there where Intel Optane reportedly shines.

SSD DC P4800X performance Mixed workloads

This plot shows just how consistent and fast the Optane SSD DC P4800X can be during mixed workloads. The legacy NAND-based drive’s read latency is all over the place, whereas the SSD DC P4800X’s is densely packed and consistent, while also being much faster over all, in terms of response time.

SSD DC P4800X Random Write performance

Looking at read latency while the drive is also under a random write workload shows consistent and much better performance as well.

intel optane dc p4800x 1
Today’s debut of the Intel Optane SSD DC P4800X marks the introduction of new, ultra-fast storage for the enterprise, but it is also a precursor to persistent memory in systems, where memory and storage could ultimately evolve into a single, non-volatile entity. That future will require new interfaces and system architectures, but it's likely to happen at some point.

The 375GB Intel Optane SSD DC P4800X add-in-card profiled here will be priced at $1520, which is approximated three times the cost per gigabyte of Intel’s high-end SSD DC P3700. In the short term, expect Intel Optane solid state drives to command a premium. As availability ramps, however, prices will likely come down a bit, especially as consumer-targeted products arrive in the coming months.

Intel Optane Client M2 SSD
Intel Optane Client M.2 SSD 

And of course remember that Intel's Kaby Lake platform is also "Optane Ready" with consumer product implementations that are fast on the way. Stay tuned... 

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