Gigabyte GVR96X128D 9600XT

The Gigabyte GVR96X128D 9600XT - Page 4

The GV-R96X128D 9600XT from Gigabyte
High-End Quality at a Mid-Range Price

By, Jeff Bouton
March 2, 2004

Head-to-Head Performance With Splinter Cell
Stealth Pixel Shading

Splinter Cell

Splinter Cell's version 1.2 patch includes three pre-recorded demos in addition to a benchmarking feature.  The demos included with the patch are somewhat limited by CPU performance, however, so we used the custom Oil Rig demo created by the folks at Beyond 3D to test with this game.  Beyond 3D's demo removes two CPU intensive routines while increasing dependence on Pixel Shader performance.  Shaders are used to render the realistic looking ocean water surrounding the Oil Rig in the demo, as well as simulating a night vision effect.  As we've mentioned in the past, anti-aliasing doesn't work with Splinter cell (at least with the current version).  Due to this fact, we do not have any AA scores listed in the graphs below.

With Splinter Cell, comparing the results between the three cards was a bit lackluster, with the GV-R96X128D holding the slightest of leads over the others. The 5700 Ultra didn't fair as well this time around, slipping to both ATI models in each test. To be honest, we're splitting hairs here, but when it comes down to brass knuckles, the Gigabyte 9600XT model took top spot in each test.

Performances Comparisons With Final Fantasy XI Benchmark 2 v1.01
Chocobos on the PC

Final Fantasy XI

The Final Fantasy franchise is well known to console gamers, but Squaresoft has since made the jump to the PC with a MMORPG version of this classic. The Final Fantasy XI benchmark runs through a few scenes from the game and displays a final score every time a full cycle of the demo is completed.  Although the demo is meant the check an entire system's readiness to play the game, the number of frames rendered scales well with different video cards installed.  Lower scores indicate some frames were dropped to complete the demo in the allotted time.  The scores below were taken with the demo set to "High Resolution" (1024x768), with anti-aliasing disabled. 

This is one of those benchmarks that is a little disturbing.  The demo is riddled with these little happy creatures dancing and clapping and wiggling.  By the time it completes I was left wondering if someone had slipped something into my coffee.  Nonetheless, it is a good tool for assessing DX9 performance.  In this test the 5700 Ultra showed its medal, topping the 9600XT by 276 points and 560 points over the AIW.

Next Up: Gun Metal & Comanche 4

Tags:  Gigabyte, x1, XT, VR, R9

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