Asus V9280S not your average Ti4200

Asus V9280S not your average Ti4200 - Page 3

Asus V9280S Geforce 4 Ti4200
A Ti4200, or something more?

By - Robert Maloney
January 22, 2003

More DirectX with NovaLogic's Comanche4 Demo
When sending in the troops just isn't enough

One last look at DirectX benchmarking was with NovaLogic's Comanche 4 Demo. As with Max Payne, one of the benefits of benchmarking using this demo is that we get a real-world result.  We can see with our own eyes how the gameplay will be, and the actual average framerate is shown at the end of the demonstration.

At 1024x768, all of the cards fell within a frame and a half of each other, leading to the conclusion that the CPU and not the video card was the real limiter to the output.  We did manage to get more of a breakdown at higher resolutions, but without any startling results.  The V9280S kept just over a frame per second lead over the V8420 until we raised the clock speed to match.  At equal speeds, the V8420 produced minor increases in each of the benchmarks.  In similar fashion, when we overclocked the V9280S, we saw that it usually overtook the Chaintech card.

Unreal 2003 Tournament Demo
Finally, something new to try!

Ah, at last!  A new DirectX benchmark to add to the mix.  Unless you have been under a rock or (god forbid) away from your PC for the last year or so, you have probably heard of this game in one form or another.  Using the demo and a custom INI file to keep the plating field level, wee obtained scores from three different flybys of the demo, labeled Antalus, Asbestos, and Citadel.  Rather than choose one, we included all three scores in our review.

Whew!  That's a lot of scores to throw into one section.  Luckily for my typing fingers, they breakdown rather easily.  It is a clear progression from the V8420, whose speeds are at 260/550, to the V9280S at 275/600.  At 1024x768, the difference in the flybys varies from 4-6 frames, although this gap narrows to only 2-3 frames at 1600x1200.  The percentage of the difference remains the same at 6-7% for all resolutions, however.  While this is a far cry from the "20% increase", we should mention that even the V8420 cannot be consided a generic Ti4200, since it too is clocked a bit higher than spec.  Even with the higher clock speeds, the V9280S is still a good measure behind the Chaintech GF4 Ti4600 card.

On to OpenGL with Quake 3


Tags:  Asus, AV, rage, AG, 80s

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