Asus G751 Gaming Laptop: Mobile Maxwell Done Right

I want to take a moment here to talk about internal laptop component selection. I've been reviewing hardware for about fourteen years and in all that time, the number one problem I've seen in consumer laptops isn't a lack of quality hardware -- it's a lack of understanding when it comes to how that hardware should be integrated into a quality experience. Whether we're talking about $300 netbooks or $3000 boutique laptops, far too many systems ship with rough edges.

The problem in the PC space is that users tend to be extremely price conscious, even at the boutique level, and very few PC brands have enough of a loyal following to sell on something besides raw power. As a result, manufacturers tend to push the envelope, stuffing in higher-end components than their chassis can reasonably cool, or opting for fans that keep the hardware at tolerable temperatures but leave the system running so loudly that headphones are a must.

While it's absolutely true that the margins on these high end systems tend to be decent, remember that the handful of high-end boutique systems that a company sells either represent nearly all of its product sales (meaning the loss of 100 units per quarter could be significant) or are forced to carry the burden of the ultra-cheap, mass-market product divisions with thei razor-thin margins. Either way, the PC OEMs face enormous pressures -- and that, I think, is part of why they tend to look for ways to cut corners, even on high-end designs. It's also why we we see so many laptops shipping loaded with stickers and bloatware.

Here's the thing, though -- none of that's a problem here. And that's hugely significant, at least to me. Asus didn't stuff the chassis with a maximum-TDP Intel Core i7, or opt to shave millimeters off the chassis -- as though doing so would turn an 8.4lb laptop into a MacBook Air.

True, some may mutter that the 17.4-inch display isn't quite as nice as Apple's Retina panels, but 1920x1080 in a 17.4-inch laptop still comes out to 130 PPI and the IPS panel makes for rich colors and good off-angle viewing. Sure, there are laptops from other manufacturers with faster clock speeds or higher benchmark scores, but I promise you, you'll pay for them -- both in terms of higher prices, higher noise levels, or considerably more weight.

Enough on design. Let's talk benchmarks.

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