At the end of our PowerPoint tour of the Brazos platform, AMD took us to our own private little make-shift test lab in a back conference room, so that we could experience the E-350 Zacate processor first-hand and run our full suite of custom and standard benchmarks that we run here at Below is a quick photo slide show of the system in detail. Click any image for a high res view.
AMD setup a machine in the conference room they briefed us in and had a demo of Zacate running a full 1080p HD video clip while taxing the CPU with an instance of Hyper Pi set to 32 million places. As you can see the CPU meter was pegged at 100% but we can offer that the HD video clip being played was fluid and smooth with zero dropped frames.
Zacate's cooler was a small active fan sink that sometimes didn't even spin up until we really taxed it. Here the infrared temp gun shows a rather brisk 90ºF under full load.
Various and sundry different component-level devices can be seen here including Broadcom's Gigabit Ethernet solution as well as an NEC USB3 chip.