Why use one of those old T-1 lines, when you could get similar speeds without wires? Wait, what? Sprint has talked up their 4G / WiMAX network for some time now, and while it has mostly been aimed at consumers, there's obvious interest coming from businesses as well. This week, Sprint launched what it's calling the first solution that offers...Read more...
Late Friday Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan's largest wireless carrier, signed an agreement to become the sole distributor of the iPhone in Taiwan. While this in and of itself is great for Apple, which continues to want to expand its iPhone 3G presence across the globe, the more interesting question is: will this mean a possible iPhone expansion...Read more...
Yesterday, at a posh New York hotel suite in Manhattan, Asus held a coming-out event that we decided to attend, mixing it up a little with the glitz-n-glamor set if you will. With a Jazz band droning in a Miles Davis sort of groove permeating the air, some Champagne, and a sprinkling of model-quality hotties tip-toeing about showing...Read more...
How would you feel if you couldn't drive faster than 80, or couldn't raise the volume on your car radio above a certain point? OK, maybe you wouldn't care so much, but your teenage son or daughter might. Ford is going to introduce a new system, MyKey, on its upcoming 2010 cars, starting with the Ford Focus. It will enable...Read more...
Alternative energy advocate, Dr. Lyle Dennis, loved the idea behind General Motors' (GM) Chevrolet Volt electric concept car so much, that he not only created a Website devoted to it (GM-Volt.com) soon after GM announced the concept vehicle in 2007, but he has spent a significant amount of time leading a grassroots effort to convince GM to...Read more...
It was only a month ago that we reported how various police departments are setting up systems for receiving anonymous tips via text messaging to help solve crimes. Now the New York City Police Department's (NYPD) Commissioner, Ray Kelly, is embracing another social media technology to help police solve crimes: asking people upload "video...Read more...
We're overstating the obvious here, but there is a reason why the face of so many vlogs is a pretty, young woman. You don't need an in-depth study of Social Technographics to figure it out either: This is an admittedly oversimplification, but simply put, Straight men want to be with her and women just want to be her. By catering to prurient...Read more...
A new study (.PDF) released Wednesday by the Pew Internet and American Life Project reveals that not everyone wants broadband. Seriously. According to the study, 55% of adult Americans now have broadband internet connections at home, up from 47% in 2007. Also according to the study, with the increase in broadband adoption, only 10% of Americans...Read more...
Andy Grove was once the Chairman of Intel, and is widely considered one of the best minds in American management. Time's Man of the Year for 1997 isn't spending his retirement from the chipmaker doing nothing; he's championing a push to get plug-in hybrid cars on the road ASAP.During the past year and a half, Grove has created his own crash...Read more...
Lawrence Roberts is just another guy with the title:" Inventor of the Internet" in news articles. According to Wikipedia, he's the father of networking through data packets. And he's turned his attention to everyone's favorite data packet topic: Peer-to-Peer filesharing. He's established a company called Anagran, and says their devices can...Read more...
HotHardware told you yesterday about the Associated Press' hardline approach to linking to their news service stories and excerpting their copy. AP seems a little sketchy about the way in which the doctrine of Fair Use is generally understood on the Internet. As if in an attempt to double down on what is fast becoming a public relations debacle...Read more...
Broadcom really isn't a sexy business. They supply Integrated Circuits for broadband communications. It is a big business, however; Broadcom had revenue of $3.67 billion in 2006, for instance. According to indictments handed down recently, various people at Broadcom backdated millions of stock options to raid company receipts for themselves...Read more...
Back in the day, it looked like Napster was going to bust the digital music business wide open. They were sued back to the stone age over copyright infringement, and more or less dropped from sight. Apple leaped into the breach, offering legal but locked music for their iPods through their own online store. Well, zombie Napster is back...Read more...
Hopefully you read that title the way Steve Ballmer probably meant to say it on Thursday. You know, emphasis on the "HAVE" in a sarcastic way. Although we're sure he didn't say it that way, he probably wanted to.Microsoft Corp. CEO Steve Ballmer offered a glimmer of hope on Thursday to fans of the company's Windows XP operating system, saying...Read more...
Apple has agreed to buy a relatively small microprocessor company named PA Semi. PA is known for making powerful chips that have very low power consumption. That would seem to indicate that Apple intends to use their own chips in the iPhone and other portable devices going forward, as these devices rely heavily on low power consumption....Read more...
NVIDIA just launched a new optimized PC Configurator on the company's website designed to educate consumers on the importance of a GPU in overall system performance. The configurator website states that "At least half of the PCs shipped today have an underpowered GPU...You need the right CPU / GPU mix for the best experience. Whether you're Read more...
When we heard about a Vista Home Premium upgrade edition bundled with OneCare stuffed into a box that looked like it belonged to Hello Kitty, we were naturally wondering if we ate some bad seafood. Here's more:“As a special promotion for the Japanese market, an upgrade version of Windows Vista Home Premium is bundled with a year’s subscription...Read more...
Yet more search engine news: Online search site Ask.com is laying off 40 people and running up the white flag in its quest to challenge Google for market share. They've decided to concentrate on their core users, who they have identified as women in their late thirties in the Midwest and Southeastern states, according to their new chief executive...Read more...
We recently reported that Google offered Yahoo unspecified aid to fight off a potential hostile takeover from Microsoft. What we didn't know was the reasoning behind that, but we were able to speculate. Now we're getting answers straight from Google co-founder Sergey Brin:"The Internet has evolved from open standards, having a...Read more...
'DVD Jon.' of DVD and FairPlay cracking fame, has gone legit.Beginning Tuesday, the first product from his company, DoubleTwist Ventures, will enter open beta. Called DoubleTwist, it's a free desktop client that essentially allows any kind of music, photo, or video file to be shared between a long list of portable media players, and through...Read more...
As with any takeover or bailout, there's always the question of which, if any, members of management will be left standing by the new powers that be. SCO's bailout offer appears to be no different, and there are no real surprises as to who the mysterious buyer wants out of the picture.The deal, in which an unnamed Middle East partner...Read more...
Along with the mundane, this month's Windows Update for Vista includes some prerequisites for Vista SP1.Speaking of Windows Vista SP1, the final two of three prerequisite updates needed to install Windows Vista SP1 will also be hitting Windows Update. KB937287 which is the servicing stack update and KB938371 which is a multi-component...Read more...