Want a good way to slow down your boot times? Have all your programs load at once. Even though you may think you have clean startup, there are still a few Windows programs that insist on starting up, ones you might not even need. If your looking to purge some unnecessary startup files, The Tech Zone might be able to...Read more...
A Dutch tech firm is pitching the idea of ridding the internet of suffixes like .org, and .com, and instead use single names, even different character sets. Is the "UnifiedRoot" approach really worth scrapping the current system though? "UnifiedRoot offers practically unlimited...Read more...
Another game, another guide. TweakGuides.com has updated their NFS: Most Wanted Tweak Guide, which you NFS fans should check out. "I bought the retail version of NFS:MW today and finally got the chance to update my Need for Speed: Most Wanted Tweak Guide. If you haven't read it yet, I definitely...Read more...
Mr. Koroush Ghazi has been at it again, creating comprehensive tweak guides for today's hottest games. The latest guide has been written for the recently released Need For Speed: Most Wanted.The game has been designed for consoles, and as such there are no major .ini/.cfg files which can be played around with. So instead the guide focuses...Read more...
Good morning my friends :) Sorry about my absents for the past few days; we have been having a few issues with our e-mail accounts. Needless to say, I am back up and running. So, without further delay, lets get down to business... Sicuro RW-360XL 2.1 Gaming Speakers @ ExplosiveLabs "Today we are...Read more...
Good evening friends :) Sorry about this morning, but my Internet connection was DOA when I awoke this AM. I placed an order for an upgrade to my Internet service a few days ago; and of course they choose the daytime to cut my service while they did the platform swap. :P Nevertheless, I am back up...Read more...