Andy Grove Wants You To Plug In Your Car
During the past year and a half, Grove has created his own crash course in electric power, plug-in hybrid vehicles and finding ways of shifting the nation's fleet of vehicles from gasoline. His goal: To draw more attention to electric vehicles.
"The most important thing I would like to do is light that almost half-assumed truth up in neon lights: Electricity in transportation has to be done. It is urgent. It is important that everything else is secondary," Grove said in a recent interview with The Associated Press.
"The drumbeat of the electrical transportation is accelerating like nothing I've ever seen in my life," he said.
He thinks we should not only work on plug-in technology and infrastructure for new cars, but also retrofit our existing fleet of autos and trucks to run at least part of the time on electricity. He's put his finger on the major stumbling block with all non-standard electrical generation: storage. He suggests tax incentives for battery development.