Items tagged with tablets

Think Ubuntu could make a great tablet OS? So does Canonical, and it sure looks like Canonical is jumping into the tablet OS market today. Ubuntu's website features a giant clock that is counting down to 1PM EST today, with a hint that can only mean touch-friendly Ubuntu tablets are in the future. Actually, it's not too surprising to... Read more...
HTC's first love affair is with Android, but that doesn't mean the mobile handset and tablet maker isn't willing to flirt with Windows. That much was obvious when the company launched its Windows Phone 8X and 8S devices. Looking ahead, HTC also plans to a pair of Windows RT tablets. One of those will be a 12-inch tablet, according to Bloomberg.... Read more...
Facebook is planning some big changes for its fairly tame advertising format, according to Ad Age. Right now, many ads are static images and a little text by your newsfeed. By Q2 of next year, you’ll be seeing video ads popping up. The plan is to make video ad spots available to advertisers in the computer and mobile app versions of... Read more...
We've always known that Microsoft's Surface had an uphill fight ahead of it. Launching a new version of Windows based on an entirely different CPU architecture was a dicey move, as was the decision to push Redmond's own vision for the hardware. In some ways, Microsoft's bets have paid off; the $499 Surface tablet looks and feels like a much... Read more...
There's a bit of quoted wisdom that's been making the rounds in tech news, recently. Up until now, I've ignored it, in the hopes that it would die out and go away. Instead, it seems to be showing up with greater frequency. It looks something like this: "Like Intel, AMD was caught flat-footed in recent years with the... Read more...
A lot of the talk in the 7-inch tablet space revolves around the Nexus 7, Kindle Fire HD, and more recently, the iPad mini (7.85 inches). Lest anyone forget, Barnes & Noble competes in the handheld tablet space too, and it's hoping a special holiday offer in collaboration with MasterCard will nudge potential... Read more...
Struggling with what to get your beloved geek for the holidays? There are gazillion gift guides scattered across the web (including our own!), but know this: what he/she really wants is a tablet! That isn't true of everyone, mind you, but a new poll reveals that a third of U.S. consumers are hoping to score a slate... Read more...
For the first time in a long time, Apple may be feeling threatened by the competition. Windows 8 launched to the public today, and with it, so did Microsoft's 'Surface with Windows RT' tablet, Redmond's consumer oriented device and answer to the iPad. But is it a good enough answer? Predictably, Apple CEO Tim Cook... Read more...
In what amounted to a bold move, Amazon took the unusual step of announcing a new product -- Kindle Fire H 8.9" 4G LTE Wireless -- without first receiving approval from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Amazon was gambling on the fact that the FCC would eventually approve the 4G LTE radio plopped inside its flagship Kindle device,... Read more...
One of life's lessons that apparently hasn't been lost on Hewlett-Packard (HP) is the one that says, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." HP didn't succeed in the tablet market, not with its much hyped (and seldom talked about) Slate line, and certainly not with its short lived TouchPad, which turned out... Read more...
The tech world just isn't the same without Bill Gates being actively involved like he was pre-retirement, but the Microsoft founder still makes time, on occasion, to chat about today's technology trends, even if just in passing. Such was the case when Gates sat down for a conversation with The Chronicle on the topic... Read more...
Samsung's Galaxy Tab line continues to expand, with the latest additions coming in the form of the Galaxy Tab 2 Series. The Galaxy Tab 2 Series is available in 10.1-inch and 7.0-inch screen sizes. While these second-generation models clearly borrow some design cues and other specifications from their predecessors, we... Read more...
While primo tablets still mostly run in the $400-plus range, it’s not as though low-cost tablets haven’t proliferated rapidly--it’s just that they’re often not very good. Hitting lower price points is not easy, although there have been a few solid tablets around the $200-$250 range. For consumers, that’s all well... Read more...
Lots of people believe that tablets will replace desktop and laptop computers in the not-so-distant future; count Frank Gillett of Forrester Research as one. But his vote counts for a little more because his job is to forecast tech trends. In a blog post, he ticks off the many advantages of tablets: they’re small and light (but not too... Read more...
Please, please, please, for the love of all that is good and pure, let this report be true: Nick Bilton wrote on the New York Times Bits blog that an FAA representative told him that the agency is re-evaluating its policy on electronic devices on its flights. Specifically, he wrote: When I called the F.A.A. last week... Read more...
In addition to new device announcements and technology reveals, some interesting revelations are coming out of the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona this week. One of those is the number of Android activations that occur on a daily basis. According to Andy Rubin, Senior Vice President of Mobile at Google who oversees the development... Read more...
Google has a message for developers: Say Goodbye to the Menu Button, which is the title of an Android Developers blog post pleading with devs to rethink their reliance on the Menu button. A better option, according to Google, is to direct users towards the ActionBar introduced in Honeycomb, and it's never been more important than with the... Read more...
It's been awhile since we covered the announcements coming out of the Building Windows 8 blog and there have been a number of interesting new articles published. We've got three of the biggest discussed below: New Network Management: Windows 7 made connecting to a WiFi network easy, but managing a 3G connection can be... Read more...
The cost of textbooks has driven every college student crazy. They’re pricey, new editions flow from the textbook pipeline with great frequency, and schlepping a backpack full of them across campus every day is exhausting. Printing textbooks (or anything, for that matter) is expensive, so it makes lots of sense... Read more...
When AMD announced its first tablet APU earlier this year, codenamed Desna, it was obvious that the chip was more a proof-of-concept than an actual shipping part. Factors outside AMD's control, such as the limitations of Windows 7 when running on a tablet, have kept consumer interest in x86 tablets to a minimum. Nevertheless, MSI's AMD-powered... Read more...
We're back with a final roll out of our last lucky winner for our Tablet's of The Season Sweepstakes with NVIDIA!  We'd like to thank everyone who participated in the sweepstake.  We've met a lot of new, really great community members over the course of this contest and we hope you'll all stick around with us for a while.  And... Read more...
Just in time for the Holiday Season, we’ve teamed up with our friends at NVIDIA for an absolutely awesome giveaway. Starting tomorrow (December 13) and continuing on through Tuesday of next week (December 20), we’re giving away an NVIDIA Tegra 2-powered tablet a day! In case you didn’t know, NVIDIA offers Tegra-based... Read more...
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