Items tagged with tablets

A few weeks ago, the analyst company ABI Research published a report claiming that Intel's new CloverTrail+ platform (dual-core Medfield) for smartphones was significantly faster and more power efficient than anything ARM's various partners were shipping. If you follow the smartphone market, that was a very surprising... Read more...
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer wrote a lengthy email and memo to the company today detailing a new direction for Microsoft, including a massive reorganization and revamped focus. Primarily, Microsoft will no longer operate as a series of islands, with many departments all working on different projects; instead, under the... Read more...
Computer sales are slumping, but Windows 8 isn’t to blame for the slide, according to market consultant Gartner. The research firm said that PC shipments (including laptops), which dropped to 76 million in the second quarter, can be attributed to the rising popularity of tablets, rather than customer... Read more...
A new mobile app from AT&T is aimed at helping city governments and their citizens keep in touch. Governments can use the app to keep people informed about community events and road hazards, while citizens can use it to find parks and contact government departments. Perhaps one of the best things about the new... Read more...
The deluge of Samsung Galaxy product announcements continues today with the South Korean device maker debuting three new tablets as part of the Galaxy Tab 3 family. Eschewing the one-size-fits-all approach, Samsung's Galaxy Tab 3 line will be offered in 7-inch, 8-inch, and 10.1-inch form factors beginning July 7, with... Read more...
The mobile device market is growing at a frantic pace and it won't be long before these digital gadgets outnumber the human population. By the end of 2013, there will be 5.9 billion mobile phones and tablets in use, according to CCS Insight's new market forecast. That's not enough to eclipse the human race, which currently sits at about 7.09... Read more...
Give Toshiba credit for aggressively targeting the Android tablet market with what appear to be reasonably priced slates starting at $299. That's the price of the Excite Pure, a refreshed Android slate with a 10.1-inch display (1280x800), NVIDIA Tegra 3 processor, 1GB of DDR3 memory, 16GB of internal storage, 3MP... Read more...
Dell has been in the news quite a bit of late as major investors like Michael Dell and Carl Icahn battle over the plan to take the company private. The contested plan company CEO Michael Dell proposed several months ago was a reaction to weakness in the PC market, and that weakness has manifested as a nasty drop in... Read more...
Consumers are going crazy for tablet devices these days. It started with Apple's iPad, which is still the best selling tablet line out there, and continues with the influx of low-cost Android slates from name-brand vendors like Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Asus, and so forth. Tablets have become so popular that Microsoft went and re-imagined... Read more...
Ready for a bold prediction? This is the year that tablet PC shipments outnumber notebook shipments, a trend that will continue indefinitely. That's according to the NPD DisplaySearch Quarterly Mobile PC Shipment and Forecast Report, which states that the mobile PC market is expected to increase from 367.7 million... Read more...
If there's one company that isn't afraid to speak its mind and be totally blunt, it's definitely Acer, especially when the topic revolves around Windows-based tablets. Acer, after all, is the company that warned Microsoft to "think twice" about its Surface strategy, both because of the potential to "create a huge negative impact for the ecosystem"... Read more...
Windows 8 devices haven't been able to reinvigorate a slumping PC market to this point, but if Microsoft keeps slashing prices, perhaps things will change. If you pop your head into the Microsoft Store online, you'll discover several recently discounted tablets and convertibles, including one that's been marked down... Read more...
The latest PC sales numbers and accompanying predictions from research firm Gartner show an unsurprising trend: tablet sales will continue to rise sharply at the expense of traditional desktops and notebooks. “While there will be some individuals who retain both a personal PC and a tablet...most will be... Read more...
NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang kicked off this year’s GPU Technology Conference with his customarily impressive opening keynote. The focus of Jen-Hsun’s presentation was on breakthroughs in computer graphics and advances in GPU computing, but he also unveiled new GPU and Tegra roadmaps and took the... Read more...
The fate of Windows 8 is yet to be determined, but amid lagging PC sales and grumpy customers who just aren’t all that excited about Microsoft’s latest operating system, there’s a bit of a dark cloud over it. The cloud is even darker over tablets running Windows 8; for example, Microsoft's Surface... Read more...
Let's face it, we're addicted to apps, which is why ABI Research is confident in forecasting that mobile users will download around 70 billion mobile apps in 2013. Half of those will belong to Android, while another 41 percent will be represented by the iOS camp, meaning more than 9 of 10 app downloads this year will... Read more...
Archos today introduced its Platinum range of tablets, which the company claims are among the first Android slates to offer a super high resolution IPS (In-Plane Switching) screen combined with the performance of a quad-core processor. There are three models to choose from, including 8-inch, 9.7-inch, and 11.6-inch... Read more...
Acer might have been on to something when it warned Microsoft that competing in the hardware space is no easy task. Undeterred, Microsoft entered the battlefield with its Surface RT tablet, an ARM-based slate running a gimped version of Windows 8 that doesn't support legacy applications. It's an okay tablet for... Read more...
The way Gartner sees it, we're all going to be living in single-PC homes in the not-too-distant future. Mom, pop, little Billy and his sister Janet won't have their own PCs anymore, and will instead share a single primary PC in the household for heavy lifting, and use a tablet for content consumption chores, like surfing the web and playing... Read more...
Gigabyte gave us a tour of its new laptops, tablets, and everything in-between this week in Las Vegas. As with all of the big names at CES, Gigabyte is serious about getting touch screens on most devices running Windows 8 (with the exception of some of its heavy-duty gamer laptops - and even those will... Read more...
For years, notebook PCs have been the go-to device for mobile computing, but is this the dawn of a new era? Tablets are everywhere these days, they're dropping in price, and according to NPD DisplaySearch, they're going to fly off store shelves faster than notebooks in 2013. NPD DisplaySearch forecasts that tablet shipments will reach 240... Read more...
One of the essential features of any smartphone is the built-in camera, and the quality of photos a device outputs plays a role in our evaluation of these devices. For many, a quality camera is no longer a luxury, but a necessity in an increasingly social landscape, so is it any surprise that smartphone and tablet... Read more...
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