Items tagged with Search

Sometimes it's better to leave certain things alone -- just ask Pandora, who couldn't refrain from opening that damn box (or jar, if you want to get technical). Curiosity always tends to get the better of us in the end, and if you're curious about what terms you've searched for on Google throughout the years, there's... Read more...
On Tuesday Google will change an algorithm in its search function that will give preference to websites that are deemed "mobile friendly" for searches run via cellular devices (searches run via browsers on computers and tablets will be unaffected). This change by the search behemoth is widely expected to have a more... Read more...
Not too long ago, there were some serious doubts as to whether Microsoft and Yahoo would be able to ink a deal to continue there search partnership. However, those fears were unwarranted, as the two companies today announced that they have forged a new agreement the will still see Microsoft’s Bing engine power Yahoo... Read more...
Microsoft is looking to up its game in the mobile search engine market a bit with a redesigned mobile homepage for Bing search. The new mobile homepage will be available to both Android and iOS users and includes a handful of new features to satisfy existing search customers and draw in new users. The first of... Read more...
Mozilla shocked the world (and especially Google) when it opted to end its longstanding relationship with Google as the default search provider for its Firefox browser, and instead inked a five-year deal with Yahoo to take its place. But while it was bold move for Mozilla, it's one that made complete sense for Yahoo... Read more...
With Google responsible for at least 50% of the world's search traffic, I think it's safe to say that the company knows what it's doing in search -- but that doesn't mean that its service can't be improved over time. No one seems to realize that better than Google itself, as we've seen many features rollout over the... Read more...
I find it interesting at the end of each year when Google reveals the top search queries of the past 12 months. It's like taking a condensed trip back in memory lane, and for better or worse, it's also a reflection of society as a whole, the things that interested us and captured our thoughts. In 2014, it was the... Read more...
Facebook is improving its search functionality, resulting in the addition of some features (like Graph Search beta) and the removal of Web search results. Those search results, which typically appeared when a user searched for something (or someone) not on Facebook, were powered by Microsoft Bing. Bing is the no. 2 search engine in the U.S., Read more...
Google's efforts to thwart piracy and appease organizations like the Motion Pictures Association of America (MPAA) are pretty much non-stop. It involves removing millions of infringing links from search on a weekly basis, and more recently, Google tweaked its search algorithm to be better at downranking sites that... Read more...
Facebook is rolling out a new feature that it should have implemented a long time ago -- a dislike button! Just kidding, that's probably never going to happen, no matter how many inane posts flood the world's largest social playground. However, in lieu of a thumbs down icon, Mark Zuckerberg and the gang are updating the Facebook Search feature Read more...
The Internet is a wonderful place overflowing with information and different kinds of content. It also has its seedier sides; places where you wouldn't want your children stumbling into. Parental controls can only do so much, and while the burden ultimately falls on mom and pop to protect their kids from the web's... Read more...
If the next time you open up the Safari browser on your iOS device and it appears to be blushing, don't try adjusting your display, it's normal behavior when you're being courted by multiple suitors. Such is the case with Safari, which is reportedly seeing interest from both Microsoft and Yahoo to replace Google as... Read more...
Whenever an organization becomes too large, too complex, and too intertwined in too many facets of business, governments begin to take notice. You need look no further than the breakup of the Bell System last century to see what's possible when a single entity begins to control too much of a given field. Now, regulators in the European Union Read more...
Google is again the target of a controversial measure in the European Union as its parliament draws up a draft motion to separate the company's search engine business from its other operations, which it proposes is one possible solution to Google's dominance. The draft motion is backed by the European People's Party... Read more...
The search game is changing as Google makes a concerted effort to cut down on music piracy while simultaneously helping to promote legitimate download sites like Netflix and Google Play. In keeping with its transparent theme, Google spelled out some specific changes it's making (as well as already made) to search in... Read more...
Teenagers are usually quick to adapt to technology, so it shouldn't be too surprising that teens are the ones embracing hands-free search. According to the results of Google's Mobile Voice Study, 55 percent of teenagers between the age of 13-18 years old use voice search on a daily basis, versus 41 percent of adults... Read more...
One of the necessary evils of website ownership is understanding at least a little bit about search engine optimization - SEO for short. Poor practices could make your site fall into the virtual abyss, while good practices can have the opposite effect: Search engines could begin favoring you. While no one outside of... Read more...
A restaurant owner in France sued a blogger for writing a negative review of her experience at his establishment and ultimately won because the review became too popular in Google's search results. Seriously. Apparently the judge in the case isn't familiar with this whole Internet thing and how it works, hence the... Read more...
Somewhere in the land of missed opportunities are millions, if not billions of fantastic photographs and videos that were never taken. Maybe not Pulitizer Prize worthy, but definitely some real gems that we'll unfortunately never get to see. Why not? Think about how many times a fleeting photo opportunity presented... Read more...
Looking up a place to eat on your smartphone is a piece of cake -- just tell Siri or Google Now that you're hungry for seafood or Italian, or whatever you're in the mood for. What's not so easy is figuring out which restaurants will appeal to your entire group. Little Johnny only likes mac'n'cheese, while your friend... Read more...
Google is one of those companies that pretty much has a license to print money. To wit, the search giant reported consolidated revenues of $16.86 billion for the quarter ended December 31, 2013, which is 17 percent higher than the same quarter a year prior. The company's operating income climbed to $4.84 billion, up... Read more...
UK Prime Minister David Cameron is on a crusade to clean up the Internet, and he’s convinced the likes of Google and Microsoft to help him do it. In a press release straight from Downing Street, the UK government revealed that the two tech behemoths have developed new search algorithms for Google and Bing to... Read more...
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