Items tagged with Search

It should come as no surprise to hear that Google, a search company, has morphed into an advertising company. And what marketers really, really covet is your location and buying habits, amongst other personal details that help them best target you at the precise moment in which you'd be likely to pull the trigger on a... Read more...
If you’re an avid Facebook stalker, here’s some good news: Facebook is removing the feature that formerly let users prevent others from finding them by searching for their name in the Facebook search bar. If you’ve been successfully avoiding old classmates, a crazy ex, your boss, or just the general public on Facebook, you... Read more...
The online search wars are serious business, so when Microsoft got called out by a Yale study suggesting the Redmond software giant's claims of users choosing Bing over Google at a nearly 2-to-1 clip in its "Bing It On" challenge are hogwash, Microsoft felt compelled to fire back and address each and every point of... Read more...
In celebration of its 15th birthday, Google announced that it has overhauled its search algorithm. The new tool is called Hummingbird, and its chief feature is conversational search; in other words, when you make a search query, instead of merely looking at keywords and popping out results that seem to match them the... Read more...
Many have pinned Google's meteoric success in the online search business to one primary thing: speed. The engineers at Google obsess over milliseconds, and it's because of that obsession that Google's products are generally top-shelf. Now, the company has announced that in its latest efforts to make searching and... Read more...
Microsoft believes its Bing search engine is better than what Google has to offer, and while it's not surprising the Redmond giant prefers its own offering over the competition, the company is willing to put its money where its mouth is at. Well, kind of. As part of a free program called "Bing for Schools," students and teachers in participating... Read more...
Well, if you're going to kick off 30 days of change, you might as well waste no time in getting right to the crux of things. Yahoo, after a solid year of acquiring companies left, right, and center, is kicking off a new campaign that'll spur a massive amount of change in an Internet company that has seemingly grown... Read more...
The internet is a big place. Nay, a huge place. In fact, it's difficult to wrap your mind around just how vast the global Web is, and how fast it's growing on a daily basis. There's no sign of that steam slowing down, and while Google is a relative newcomer to the Internet as we know it, it has done an exceptional job... Read more...
With a show of hands, who here knew that the old-school search engine AltaVista still existed? Well, that looks like none of you - and I admit, I'm right there with you. Prior to the year 2000, our choice in Web services - heck, even software - was seriously limited. If you didn't use Internet Explorer, you probably used Netscape, and if you... Read more...
Microsoft is enrolling its Bing search engine in as many local schools as it can as part of a new initiative aimed at teaching digital literacy skills. The program is called for Bing For Schools and it will provide kindergarten through 12th grade students with a custom-tailored version of Bing that automatically removes ads from search results,... Read more...
Microsoft knows its waging a tough battle with Bing Desktop. After all, desktop search giants like Google and Yahoo have long since dominated the space. But even a small percentage of this market share means big bucks in advertising and referral dollars, and this week, Microsoft refreshed Bing Desktop with a raft of... Read more...
Google’s original search engine is very old in terms of tech time, although of course the company has continuously upgraded and tweaked it over the years, improving this algorithm or adding that feature. It’s fitting, then, that Google would roll out a voice search feature that uses conversational dialogue... Read more...
Remember Jolicloud? Sure you do! But, do you recall when it rolled out Jolidrive? If so, good news for you. The company has just announced Search for Jolidrive. The cloud-based storage locker now includes integrated, native search, helping users find music, photos, documents, videos in your online storages. Search can also help you find great... Read more...
I'm sure it comes as a surprise to no one that Google is a great place to find some questionable items online, whether it's malware, exploits, someone belly-flopping a pool of ice - whatever. However, even with as much as what Google offers, there are many things that the company doesn't track and publish online. For... Read more...
In the world of consumer technology, it's pretty easy to spot the rivals. Apple doesn't exactly get along with Samsung. Microsoft doesn't exactly get along with Apple. Sony probably isn't best of friends with Nintendo. And in the search world, Yahoo and Google are obvious counterparts. But recently, the two came... Read more...
In the search engine world, there are a handful of companies that you've probably heard about -- and then gobs of smaller alternatives that hardly anyone visits. But in a universe dominated by the likes of Google and Yahoo, a particular Russian company is soaring up the leaderboards. According to the most recent comScore report, Yandex has... Read more...
Eric E. Schmidt, Google's Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors, will become ever more wealthy. Already a member of the One Percent club, Mr. Schmidt will be selling roughly 42 percent of his stake in Google. In total, that's 3.2 million Class A shares of common stock. According to an 8-K filing put out today... Read more...
Facebook may not be gunning directly at Google's Web search with the new Graph Search, but it's still a unique and fascinating new search paradigm -- particularly now that the company has over one billion individuals to pull data from. Graph Search promises to bring users closer to "friends" -- many of which have... Read more...
Welcome to the new year, same as the last year. If you thought the war between Google and Microsoft (and Apple, and Amazon) was going to quiet down now that we've turned a proverbial page, think again. Dave Heiner, Microsoft's VP and Deputy General Counsel, has just posted a fairly pointed blog post surrounding its... Read more...
Yahoo! has officially withdrawn from South Korea, as of today. The move is not a surprise, as Yahoo! announced in October that it would pull all business operations from the country by the end of the year. Yahoo!’s withdrawal marks a milestone in the turnaround plan of CEO Marissa Mayer.   Yahoo! Corporate Offices. Image credit:... Read more...
Microsoft earlier this week rolled out a streamlined design for its social sidebar feature for Bing, making it easier to find contacts relevant to your search query based on what they've shared, blogged, or tweeted. That same feature has now been ported over to the Safari browser on iPad tablets, including the iPad mini. "Whether you're planning... Read more...
Searching images on Google can be risky business, especially if there's an underage viewer nearby. Double meanings and innuendos can turn an otherwise innocent search query into a rather steamy slideshow, and that can be hard to explain if your kid, wife, or boss strolls by at the wrong time. Google isn't oblivious to... Read more...
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