Timing is everything in life, and the timing here is particularly strange. Just a few days after HP's TouchPad launched to ho hum reviews, the company has decided to make a few major strategic changes in the ranks. Jon Rubinstein, the visionary behind webOS, came over from Palm to lead up the group. After championing...Read more...
In the pages to come, we take a look at the HP Veer 4G and by extension webOS 2.1.2 (the OS build loaded on this phone). webOS still has a lot to prove in the smartphone world, as it currently battles BlackBerry OS, Windows Phone, MeeGo and a handful of other small competitors for that coveted third-place spot behind iOS and Android. Priced...Read more...
HP webOS, as the mobile operating system is now officially known, was first born in the labs of a revitalized Palm, at a time when the company was angling to take on iOS and Android and offer the world's next great mobile OS. The first real glimpse at webOS came at CES 2009, with the introduction of the Palm Pre. Unfortunately, some would...Read more...
Guess what? HP's TouchPad seems to be darn good at Flash. Yes, Adobe's Flash. As in, the Flash that no iOS device is capable of handling, despite tons of public backlash. Apple's pretty much set on never supporting Flash, hoping to hold out until most web video is converted over to the more universally accepted HTML5. It's quite possible that...Read more...
Don't count WebOS out just yet. The mobile operating system started by Palm, and now being handled by HP, has struggled to reach critical mass in recent years, mostly due to inadequate Palm hardware and a rough ride as it has changed families mid-course. But in a recent press event, HP revealed three new WebOS devices, indicating that they...Read more...
One of the negative points of Palm's Pre and Pre 2 was the relatively small screen size and low resolution. HP fixed that when they introduced the Pre 3 today, but if you're one of those who just love small phones, the Veer keeps the tiny tradition in tact. The HP Veer is the smallest HP webOS phone offered, and you could argue that it's a...Read more...
Palm just had their biggest day in years, and they're not even Palm any longer. When HP purchased Palm, many feared that it meant the end for the Palm brand. The URL stuck around, and rumors were swirling all along that maybe it actually would hang on in some form or another. But now, it's pretty clear that the Palm...Read more...
WebOS 2.0 is being viewed by many as a major overhaul of Palm's mobile operating system, but Palm has not shown it very much to the public. But with the Pre 2 now official and on sale in France, there's no real use in keeping things undercover now. Palm, or HP really, has just revealed the first public ad for WebOS 2.0 and the Pre 2. The minute-long...Read more...
The Palm smartphone still lives! It's alive and well! Today, Palm (or HP really) introduced their first smartphone since Palm was acquired by HP. It's the Palm Pre 2, and users of the original Pre will not be surprised at the design. For the most part, the Pre 2 looks the same as the first Pre, but with a slimmer body. It still has a 3.1"...Read more...
Well, what do you know? It's the executive shuffle in the mobile world! It sure looks like fun, and according to All Things D, the same man that designed last month as the head of Nokia's MeeGo division is now an employee of Palm. It seems like a round-robin of high-level executives, but we aren't too surprised. Ari Jaaksi has a track record...Read more...
Phew. That's a big sigh of relief coming from everyone who thought even for a second that HP's purchase of Palm may end up being the last of WebOS. Palm was only able to launch a couple of phones based on WebOS before being acquired by a much larger HP, and the future of the mobile OS has been up in the air ever since. We have heard that WebOS...Read more...
During a fireside chat at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference this week, Hewlett-Packard's (HP's) Todd Bradley, who some consider the front-runner to replace Mark Hurd as CEO, said HP has no intentions of licensing out Palm's webOS platform. Just don't take that to mean HP has any intention of following in Apple's footsteps. Straight and to...Read more...
Out of nowhere, HP CEO has resigned. Quit. Left the company. Headed for other pastures. Late on a Friday, after most investors had headed out for the weekend, Hewlett-Packard quietly dropped a bomb that their CEO was no more. Effective immediately, CEO Mark Hurd no longer has his CEO title, and CEO Cathie Lesjak has been appointed interim...Read more...
When HP acquired Palm earlier this year, the webOS community feared the end was in sight. Within days of the acquisition, however, HP put any fears to rest by confirming that it had no plans to abandon webOS or Palm's smartphone business. Instead, HP said that it planned to put webOS in a bunch of other devices such as printers and tablets....Read more...
And with that, the mystery is solved. Well, at least we think the mystery is solved. This story goes a long way back, all the way to CES 2010. At that show, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer came out onto a stage with an HP-branded tablet PC, which was simply called the "HP Slate" at the time. But then, no one saw or heard...Read more...
The HP-Palm deal, which found HP acquiring Palm earlier this year, will likely go down as one of the most monumental in tech history. Palm used to be a giant, and HP has never been a serious mobile player. Many say the two have little in common, and many wondered why some other company didn't shell out the needed funds to pick up such a intelligence-rich...Read more...
It may be a done deal, but some former Palm employees aren't singing a positive tune after the HP acquisition. In many cases where one company takes over another (or just buys another to integrate), at least a few positions are eliminated. There's usually never a need for two CEOs, and some of the duplication simply can't be dealt with unless...Read more...
All the "I"s are dotted and the "T"s are crossed in Hewlett Packard's $1.2 billion acquisition of Palm, which was finalized on Thursday, HP announced. That means HP can officially begin putting into motion whatever plans it has for Palm's technology, and most notably the newly acquired webOS platform. "With webOS, HP will deliver its customers...Read more...
Palm just gave its application developers a little present: It killed its app submission fee and is going to refund those fees paid previously. Previously, app developers had to pay $50 to have the honor of seeing if Palm wanted to accept their apps. Neither the iPhone nor Android platforms have such fees. As Palm's share in the smartphone...Read more...
It's a brave new world out there, and while you may not have known it before you started reading this, you'll really need a brave new printer to survive in it. Not really, but that's the idea that Hewlett-Packard would love for you to get. HP does a lot of things, one of which is make loads of printers (and ink boxes)...Read more...
Earlier, we reported that HP's CEO Mark Hurd indicated the company's purchase of Palm and its assets wasn't about cell phones. From the initial comments, it appeared that HP may be planning to ignore the phone market altogether and instead use the webOS platform for other devices such as tablet PCs and printers. For...Read more...
Well, this will surely come as a disappointment to many, and it may honestly make others a bit excited. Hewlett-Packard, who decided to pony up just over $1 billion earlier in the year to acquire Palm and their assets, has now openly stated that the purchase wasn't about cellphones at all. On the surface, this doesn't...Read more...