Items tagged with Audio

In need of new speakers? Logitech has you covered. Whether you're looking for new PC speakers, new TV speakers, or a new set for your studio apartment in general, the new Z623 system could fit the bill. It's a mid-sized 2.1 setup, complete with a small pair of satellites and a robust ported subwoofer. Together, the kit offers 200 watts (RMS)... Read more...
Anytime a company can attach "gaming" to the front of a product, it usually ends well for them. Gamers flock to anything that they think is built specifically for them, but lately the term has been watered down somewhat. We've got gaming mice, gaming keyboards, even gaming mouse pads. Do all of these things actually cater to the needs of the... Read more...
Sony recently introduced a new line of Walkman MP3 players that the company says will offer "outstanding sound quality, advanced audio technologies, extreme battery life, and more." What's even better, the company is promising these features for less than $100. The new Walkman NWZ-E350 Series Video MP3 Players will support up to 50 hours of... Read more...
There's no question that graphics get the bulk of the attention. Be it movies, video games, whatever -- people are really concerned about frame rates and how smooth an image is, but they often overlook the audio that fills in and completes the experience. Logitech has never been a company to overlook that aspect, and they have been providing... Read more...
Sure, you can spend several grand on a swank home theater setup that kicks out enough volume and bass to knock the dishes out of your neighbor's kitchen cabinet, but hey, times are tough and disposable income isn't as disposable as it once was. So for most of us, we're simply looking for a modest speaker set that (A)... Read more...
In the gaming world, most consumers remain fixated on one single thing: graphics. Ever since the Wii was introduced, another point has been focused on: control. But one area that gets very little attention, even today, is audio. Sony has always seemed to care more about audio than the other guys when it comes to gaming, and at E3 this week... Read more...
If you really want to let the world know you're the biggest Metal Gear Solid fan on the planet, head over to your local tattoo parlor and get yourself inked. If you're not into that sort of thing and/or want something a little less permanent, Astro Gaming has you covered. Known for their line of high-end headsets aimed at professional gamers,... Read more...
Bose has never been a company to shy away from the high-end luxury market, despite what the pundits may say. Some slam the company for not publishing very many specifications about their products, but the trick--as they say--is in the sound. The company has today introduced a new Lifestyle V-Class and T-Class product... Read more...
If you want to make a boisterous entrance at the next LAN party, then you owe it to yourself to look into the new Psyko 5.1 PC gaming headset. You won't have a say a word as you walk through the door, these funky looking headphones will do all the talking; after that, you're on your own. Well, not entirely. The Psyko... Read more...
At this point, we'd say the 3D revolution is raging on in full force. In fact, it's getting a little bit out of control. It's clearly the bandwagon to be on in the home entertainment industry, and now Sony is expanding the term to an area that has thus far remained clear of any tampering: audio. To be honest, we... Read more...
Bang & Olufsen is a name that's associated with high quality and high prices, but for those who can afford it, there are hardly any better options out there in the audio space. The company's latest product is one of the most radical subwoofers we have ever seen, adding not only bass to your sound system, but a... Read more...
Did you tune into the start of the Major League Baseball season last night? A great many people did, and anyone watching ESPN2 from around 7PM ET until near midnight probably saw lots of product placement. An iPad was there, as was LeBron James and Dr. Dre, both of which were at the game primarily to pump up their... Read more...
Wireless audio is becoming a booming market; just a few years ago, no one thought twice about hooking up their music with all sorts of wires, and now it seems that using a wired solution has become second-rate. And for good reason. Wireless options are more abundant than ever before, and Aperion Audio is hoping that... Read more...
Yamaha has been creating sound bars for years now, and they've been growing increasingly popular in homes where size is a problem. Apartments and one-bedroom studios haven't been able enjoy true surround sound due to the inability to shove 5, 6 or more speakers into their cramped living space. Sound bars have enabled... Read more...
You can add another product to this growing list of media devices that play content on your TV: the Asus O!Play HDP-R1 digital media player. The O!Play is a relatively small (1.9x7.1x4.9-inches), unassuming black box with rounded corners. It doesn’t have any onboard storage, but is designed to connect with media stored on attached drives or... Read more...
Perhaps one the more significant defining digital attributes of the first decade of the the 21st Century could be the size of the ginormous digital media collections so many of us have amassed--media collections made of up a disparate assortment of video, photos, and audio files from a wide variety of sources. The advent of digital... Read more...
Yamaha has been beefing up its home audio line here in the fourth quarter of 2009, and with CES in just a few weeks, it seems as if the company is looking to get a jump on everyone else. Today, it has revealed its newest two-piece home theater package, which should fit perfectly in cramped studio apartments and in... Read more...
Audio-Technica added to its lineup of QuietPoint Active Noise-Cancelling Headphones with the new ATH-ANC1. These compact, on-ear headphones use Audio-Technica’s active noise-cancelling (ANC) technology to block up to 85% of outside noise. In addition, the headphones are compact and fold for easy storage and travel in... Read more...
What's this? Some arms race to produce the wildest, most alien-approved set of speakers ever? In the same month that JBL issued the third generation of its completely wild Creature speakers, yet another trusted name in sound has stepped forward with a pair of PC speakers that could very well blast off at any moment... Read more...
Like rock 'n roll? Classical? Jazz? Heavy metal? Yeah, heavy metal. Whatever your style of music, all you need to enjoy BOSS' new is a desire to thrash and a guitar. The eBand  Audio Player with Guitar Effects (JS-8) is a new portable audio player that's designed for guitarists who yearn to play along with their... Read more...
Bluetooth speakers aren't nearly as popular as they once were, but for those still needing a small, portable speaker that can stream tunes directly from their BT-enabled phone, SoundMatters has a solid option. The new foxL V2 Bluetooth is a new and improved model from the similar-looking version that won praise last year, with this pocket-sized... Read more...
Ah, live music. Is there anything better? Maybe a nice new triple-GPU setup, or possibly a sweet slate of Core i7, but other than that, we're thinking live music has the edge. Unfortunately, attending your favorite concerts has become synonymous with going broke, but the same folks responsible for jacking the prices are now making it easier... Read more...
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