Items tagged with Advertising

In its latest AdWords blog post, Google delves deep into how it's making its advertising platform better for the future, and also gives us an update on what devices people are using to conduct their searches. From the blog post: "And at these times, consumers are increasingly picking up their smartphones for... Read more...
And now we cannot even trust critics and reviewers! Jay Gentile, a man based in California who is said to be the operator of a number of sites that sell 4-star and 5-star reviews to Amazon sellers (among them and is the target of a lawsuit filed by Amazon in an effort by the... Read more...
Overly Paranoid Rob Lowe, Crazy Hairy Rob Lowe, Super Creepy Rob Lowe... thanks in no small part to complaints made by Comcast to the National Advertising Division (NAD), these most unwelcome guests who came into many of our homes via television throughout the 2014-15 NFL season are mostly likely being shown the door... Read more...
Anyone who has carried a smartphone of any stripe has come up against the question at some point: Do I shell out for the pay-for version of [insert whatever app name applies to you here, friend reader], or should I keep my money by installing the advertising-sponsored version instead and suffer a few (or more than a few) tap-through ads? Typically, Read more...
Purchasing a new laptop can sometimes be a chore. For starters, simply finding one that's "right for you" takes time and effort, and once you do find it, you know that the "chore" part isn't over. Once you get that baby home, you'll have to begin mentally preparing yourself for the inevitable bloatware... Read more...
As a result of a new deal between Google and Twitter, we'll soon be seeing tweets pop up in Google searches just like all other results, if the content is relevant. For Twitter, this is a big move to help bring more people to the site, and generate more pageviews for advertisers, while for Google, it improves its... Read more...
Never take a broken product from a stranger, even that stranger appears to be an employee in a kiosk at your local mall. Shoppers who fell for a prank intended to promote the Lenovo's Yoga 3 laptop (our full review) learned that lesson the hard way when a fake employee 'accidentally' breaks what appears to be a... Read more...
It looks like Google is soon to get some serious competition in the advertising space, as the Wall Street Journal is reporting that Amazon has something cooking. Called "Amazon Sponsored Links", Amazon's advertising solution would take Google's AdWords head-on, where relevant ads would be displayed based on the... Read more...
Privacy has become an incredibly hot topic in the tech world as cloud computing and online services of many kinds proliferate rapidly while concerns of snooping by the U.S. government escalate. To engender some good faith from its throngs of customers, Microsoft has revamped its service agreements to enact more... Read more...
Oh Verizon Wireless, must you be so nosy? It's one thing for the government to spy on our every movement under the guise of great justice and all that jazz, but in attempt to fatten shareholder's wallets, Verizon is "enhancing" its Relevant Mobile Advertising program by spying on its customers and selling their usage... Read more...
Facebook has long been a major competitor to Google from many different respects, and now, things are set to heat up even more. It's being rumored that at the company's F8 conference to be held later this month, the veil will be taken off of its mobile ad network. This is something that's been rumored for a long time... Read more...
Ever have a funny feeling you're being watched? You're not being paranoid, you're just savvy to the way things work in the Internet era. Between Uncle Sam keeping tabs on your communications to Google trying to learn what makes you tick so that it has something to sell advertisers, you are indeed being watched. With... Read more...
Twitter's job over the course of the next six months is to figure out how to inject 15 new ad types into its microblogging service without turning users away. Reportedly that's the plan, as Twitter finds itself under increased pressure to prove to investors that it can leverage a successful ad platform and become a... Read more...
Microsoft's newly appointed CEO may have received near-universal praise, but that doesn't mean that things are completely rosy internally. As these events always tend to do, there are at least a few folks who aren't exactly thrilled with the way the decision went down. Due to that, a few key executives are heading for... Read more...
Over the past couple of months, Google's made it super-clear that it takes advertising from all angles very seriously. On the "bad ad" front, the company made its New Years' resolution to crack down on bad (eg: scammy) ads public last month, and a mere day later, reports came out that it had removed two Google Chrome... Read more...
When you think of luxury cars, Kia probably isn't a brand that comes immediately to mind. You might even associate Kia with cheap automobiles, though the South Korean car maker has made strides in recent years to build a more solid reputation in the U.S. It has close ties with the NBA and in particular Blake Griffin... Read more...
Google has received a patent that essentially takes the incentive for a consumer to visit a business up a notch--or several notches. Traditionally, the tactics brick-and-mortar businesses have had to use to get people through the door have involved advertising sales, coupons, and offers for validated parking, not to... Read more...
The first of four pieces of DLC to hit Call of Duty: Ghosts is due out at the end of the month (28th for Xbox, later for other platforms), and Activision wants to make sure you understand what makes it so epic. This first DLC is called "Onslaught", and consists of four brand-new multiplayer maps, the first installment... Read more...
If there's one thing Google hates a lot, it's "bad" advertising. We're not talking about "bad" from the angle of being poor in quality or annoying (like Geico's latest TV commercials...), but rather ads designed to mislead, scam, or encourage an accidental click. While Google itself might still earn some serious dough... Read more...
Facebook is facing a lawsuit from two users who allege that the company's "private" messaging is anything of the sort. We've seen a number of these cases over the years, going all the way back to Google's ad-crawling for Gmail, and it's generally known that if you use a service, company's are going to attempt to monetize your input. In Facebook's... Read more...
Like everyone that’s trying to make a living in the online world, Instagram is trying to crack the tough nut of monetizing its free service, but the social image-sharing site may just have figured out a solution. Many sites, such as Google, rely on ad clicks, as well as actions such as “likes”, and... Read more...
Google has received a lot of flak with regards to how it scans user email in order to target them with ads, with Microsoft becoming the biggest critic. That company has even gone as far as to dedicate a website and advertising campaign calling-out the behavior, labeling it "scroogling", and pushing the tagline, "Don't... Read more...
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