Items tagged with Advertising

If Google had been hoping that the European Union would back off on its pursuit of proving that it's anti-competitive, it appears that the company hasn't been hoping hard enough. Today, the EU shot another set of charges at Google for anti-competitive practices, this time squarely targeting its AdSense for Search... Read more...
For nearly a decade, Verizon ran a series of ads featuring actor Paul Marcarelli delivering the tagline, "Can you hear me now?" It's still a phrase that's familiar to many people, but in case you haven't heard, it's 2016 and apparently "every network is great," or so says the former Verizon pitchman who's made the... Read more...
If you enjoy seeing recommended apps in your Windows 10 Start menu, then you're going to love the fact that the upcoming Redstone update doubles the number you'll be able to see. Who knew Windows 10 could get even better? Alright, so that's a bit of an exaggeration, but considering the fact that it is happening, it... Read more...
While much of the autonomous buzz right now revolves around vehicles, the ever-evolving world of technology will see many other sectors become automated in the future -- including simple things like customer service. The problem, of course, is that most businesses can't invest in advanced 'chatbots', either through... Read more...
Have you ever noticed that your online activities affect the types of advertising you see when surfing the web and using online services? That's called targeted advertising (or stalking, if you prefer), and AT&T's partnering up with a company called Videology to bring the same type of creepiness to television. I'm calling it creepy because Read more...
Facebook's Messenger app isn't the most-liked on the planet. Why? Well, the company thinks that everyone is a-OK with the fact that two separate apps need to be used for the same service, something that caused quite a stir in the summer of 2014 when the company forced people install the Messenger app in order to keep in touch with friends Read more...
Users of the Chrome beta for Android are in for a bit of a treat, as the latest version has added support for "Physical Web" beacons. Don't worry if you've never heard of these, because most haven't. Google did talk about it a bit last summer, and it seems like a feature that could be incredibly useful at... Read more...
It seems certain that we've all managed to wind up on a website at some point in time that had misleading elements, such as fake download buttons. While piracy is going to be the first thing that springs to many minds when this kind of sketchiness is brought up, it's hardly exclusive to that area. Some websites that... Read more...
Through a message that's kept as succinct as possible, Apple has announced that it will be pulling the plug on the iAd App Network on June 30. If this service doesn't sound familiar, don't fret: it was designed for developers to allow advertising in their apps for other apps. If you just launched a new app, for example, you could promote it Read more...
Google might be in the midst of dealing with some EU antitrust accusations regarding its shopping platform, but that hasn't slowed it down from making worthwhile upgrades to the service. Just in time for the holidays, the company has overhauled its Google Shopping search engine, and has put a major emphasis on mobile... Read more...
YouTube has been planning to introduce subscriptions to remove advertisements from its website for quite some time, and it seems we're on the verge of it finally rolling out. Yesterday, the company sent out an email to content providers requesting them to agree to updated terms; if they fail to do so, their videos... Read more...
As with many things, there are both good ways and bad ways to go about advertising. Unfortunately, far too many opt for the latter - especially when your options are limited. The latest culprit is AT&T, which has begun taking advantage of those using its free Wi-Fi hotspots by injecting ads into websites they... Read more...
Amazon is the latest major tech company to kick Adobe's Flash platform to the curb. Effective September 1, 2015, the world's most popular online retailer will no longer accept Flash-based advertisements on its main site or through it's third-party Amazon Advertising Platform (AAP), the company announced this week. Interestingly, it's not Flash's Read more...
Adobe's Flash platform is running out of friends. You may recall that a few weeks ago Mozilla disabled Flash by default in its Firefox browser due to the discovery of multiple critical vulnerabilities, and around the same time, Facebook's chief security officer urged Adobe to set a kill date for its buggy API. Expect... Read more...
Streaming music services are getting creative with their advertising spots, making sitting through commercials a little more tolerable for listeners. One of those ads is the Sponsored Listening hour, in which listeners interact with an ad in exchange for an hour of uninterrupted listening. This week, Pandora is taking... Read more...
If you've never watched a 360-degree video on YouTube, you should check one out, they're pretty nifty. They're so neat that Google is extending the functionality to advertisers so they can deliver more immersive ads on Chrome and the mobile YouTube app for Android and iOS devices, the company announced in a blog post today. For advertisers Read more...
We’ve already told you about Microsoft’s multi-million-dollar ad campaign that will kick off the launch of Windows 10. The Redmond, Washington-based software giant got the ball rolling with its "10 Reasons to Upgrade to Windows 10: IT'S FAMILIAR” ad late last night. However, Microsoft is also breaking out the big... Read more...
We're in the homestretch now, folks! In just nine days, Microsoft will launch Windows 10 and begin doling out free upgrades to registered Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users in waves. Make no mistake, this is a big launch for Microsoft, as it can ill afford to release another OS that lands to heavy criticism the way... Read more...
As we integrate more and more digital devices into our lives, are we becoming more stupid? Not so, according to some Microsoft research. In fact, the company believes that because of our digital gluttony, our brains have evolved to allow us to process lesser-important information quicker than ever. Lacking... Read more...
The mobile ad space is expected to grown to nearly $69 billion this year, which would be triple the amount that advertisers spent just two years ago. With all that money up for grabs, there's a war brewing between mobile operators and companies like Google and Yahoo that benefit from ads. Mobile operators want a piece... Read more...
Take a look around and you'll see we're living in a mobile world -- at every turn is someone paying more attention to their smartphone than their surroundings. What you don't see are the dollars floating through the air from users clicking on or viewing ads. It's a lucrative business, and Amazon intends on cashing in... Read more...
In its latest AdWords blog post, Google delves deep into how it's making its advertising platform better for the future, and also gives us an update on what devices people are using to conduct their searches. From the blog post: "And at these times, consumers are increasingly picking up their smartphones for... Read more...
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