Items tagged with Advertising

As the story goes, Mark Zuckerberg tried to resist implementing ads in Facebook as long as he could, though for the world's most popular social networking site to make money, the inclusion of ads was always inevitable. Not only was it the right move from a financial standpoint, but so was focusing on mobile... Read more...
From the "Why wasn't it done sooner?" file comes word that the Web's major advertising platforms will soon be blocking ads from being seen on sites designed to distributed pirated materials. The consortium of sorts that's responsible for the movement involves the Interactive Advertising Bureau and seven participants:... Read more...
As we reported just the other day, Motorola's next flagship smartphone will be coming to us in the form of "Moto X". It's set to be 4.7-inches, feature a 720p display, be powered by NVIDIA's Tegra 4i chip (it feels like this chip is taking forever to get into our hands) and a 16 megapixel rear and 5 megapixel front... Read more...
There's been a lot of talk about advertising lately, what with augmented reality ads hitting the mainstream and Google paying AdBlock Plus to get its ads shown anyway, but this new story is definitely the weirdest. Imagine sitting on a bus, or a plane, and leaning your head on the window. You're tired. You've... Read more...
As someone whose income relies entirely on advertising (it's the sole source of revenue for most content sites, even HotHardware), AdBlock Plus has long been a thorn in my side. But on the flipside, I like the fact that it exists, because I do feel that people should have control over their own computers, their browsing and potentially even... Read more...
Augmented Reality - "AR" for short - is nothing new, but with products like Google Glass set to launch soon, it's garnering a lot more attention than usual. In fact, at least where advertising is concerned, analyst Juniper Research predicts that AR advertising will become a $1.5 billion market by 2015 - up from a $2 million one in 2010. That's... Read more...
Do you have a fair bit of "sway" among your group of colleagues? Do you have hundreds or even thousands of "followers" on various social networks? Are you the CEO, founder or Senior Editor of your organization? If so, Yahoo! has devised a way to target you with higher-priced advertising. Don't you feel special? Filed... Read more...
Facebook is expanding its advertising business by allowing different kinds of ads in your Newsfeed. Specifically, this is all part of the Facebook Exchange program (FBX), which allows advertisers to “show ads to people on Facebook based on their online browsing interests”. Previously, FBX ads would only... Read more...
Samsung is embracing the concept of having to spend money to make money. To wit, Samsung in 2011 spent just $78 million advertising mobile phones in the U.S., three times less than Apple, which invested $235 million into its domestic marketing effort. That ratio changed dramatically last year, as Samsung increased its advertising dollars to... Read more...
Instagram CEO and Co-Founder Kevin Systrom (pictured) dealt with a bad misfire by penning a blog post with a perfect title: “Thank you, and we’re listening”. The company made waves, to say the least, by altering its terms of service and privacy policy this week to make it seem as though Instagram was... Read more...
In a change that will prove laughably unpopular, Instagram has altered its terms of service so that it can sell your photos to other companies for the purposes of advertising. The new policy stresses that users own their content, but the language is clear that Instagram can take what you own and do with it just about... Read more...
It's a patent that sounds like a plot description for a science-fiction movie or the result of Apple's Siri and Google's AdSense mating. With it, Verizon could program its set-top boxes to survey a room to determine relevant ads to display either on your television or mobile phone. Sound a bit scary? It kind of is... Read more...
In what's likely to come as a surprise to no one, Facebook has called for an end to its close relationship with Farmville-creator Zynga. Unlike other game developers that use Facebook as their platform of choice, Zynga had access to promotional advantages that others didn't have. Essentially, if Zynga scratched Facebook's back, Facebook would... Read more...
Show of hands: Who’s sick of the Sponsored Stories and other encroaching ads on Facebook? Everybody? Although Facebook is free because Zuck & Co. have a massive advertising machine going, it can get a little obnoxious, and the Facebook advertising train is not slowing down. Soon, Facebook will leverage user... Read more...
At long last, Facebook has finally unveiled a new mobile ad platform for app developers to grow their business and "reach and re-engage their users," the social networking site announced on its developers page. For the time being, only a select set of beta partners have access to the mobile ad network while Facebook... Read more...
Limited Run describes itself as a "platform specifically designed for labels, musicians, and artists, selling digital and physical products." The company (known as Limited Pressing on Facebook) offers a framework for artists to build their own small scale music stores, take orders, and distribute product either... Read more...
Don't go hitting the panic button if you suddenly notice ads in your Gmail account, you're not the victim of a virus or any other malware looking to wreak havoc on your system. So what's going on? Apparently Google got the bright (and potentially lucrative) idea of testing out display ads in Gmail user accounts. "We're always trying out new... Read more...
NBC Universal pulled the plug on an a two-year-old advertising arrangement with Google, according to a Los Angeles Times report. The search giant had been selling ad space on NBC Universal's Syfy, Oxygen, MSNBC, Sleuth, and Chiller channels. "We're not currently contributing inventory into the Google marketplace, but we continue to work with... Read more...
It seems impossible to escape advertising, and California, looking for any possible way to close its budget gap, may make it still more difficult. The state is considering electronic license plates. The reason for the digital-age change, though, is strictly monetary: advertising. The plates would appear to be standard license plates when the... Read more...
According to a recent study from Duke University, the use of TiVo and other DVRs hasn’t hurt television advertising or changed consumers’ buying behavior. In fact, Carl Mela, a professor in Duke’s Fuqua School of Business, said the ability to fast-forward through commercials has had no effect on buying behavior. Mela also... Read more...
At last, the war is over. We hope. For months now, AT&T and Verizon Wireless have been airing advertisements poking fun at one another, and oftentimes, being downright rude to one another. A lawsuit even popped up between the pair late last year, but that was eventually dropped. Still, the ads didn't stop, and while Verizon has been boasting... Read more...
Oops. In what seems to be an incident related to the ethnic homogeneity of Poland, a photo on Microsoft's Polish site was altered, from showing a black man to showing a white one. Modified Version of PictureMicrosoft has since apologized for the change, which drew much criticism online. However, it did not offer an... Read more...
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