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iPhone users who also rely heavily on LinkedIn are getting a welcome new feature today. With the new LinkedIn Intro, an email on your iPhone will display a picture of the sender, with useful profile info only a tap away. That’s handy for sorting spam from legitimate email, but more importantly, it gives you a face to go with the name.... Read more...
Remember several years ago when people were so hesitant to switch from Windows to Mac OS X because they felt like migrating was going to be too hard? People were worried about software and file types, and a spate of migration tools popped up to make it easier. The same thing is happening again, but this time... Read more...
There’s a human behind every machine voice, from ATMs to airport announcements, but until now nobody knew who was the voice of the American Siri, the female robot assistant that became part of the lives of every iPhone owner since the debut of the 4S. It turns out, she’s Susan Bennett; she’s been doing voice work since the... Read more...
The EU has been known to make a lot of odd decisions when it comes to tech, such as forcing Microsoft's hand at including a "browser wheel" with its Windows OS, but this latest decision is one I think most people will agree with. One thing that's frustrating about different smartphones is the occasional requirement to... Read more...
Boy, math sure can be a buzz kill sometimes. For example, what a boon to the U.S. economy it would be if Apple suddenly decided to start building its iPhones stateside rather than outsourcing production to China. Unfortunately, if you crunch the numbers, such a move is cost prohibitive, even for a company that makes... Read more...
Not long after Apple unveiled its iPhone 5c, which is available in a variety of attractive colors, Nokia took to Twitter to give a shout-out. On top of a picture showing off its own recent Lumia line, which also comes in a variety of attractive colors, it says, "Imitation Is The Best Form of Flattery". Shots were... Read more...
While perhaps a bit unnerving, let's not act like this hasn't happened before. While Apple's engineering team is no doubt massive, there's only so much a fixed group can find. We're talking about bugs in particular; while iOS 7's final build squashed a ton of quirks, a couple of security issues have presented... Read more...
Apple’s walled-garden approach to mobile is legendary, and rarely was the company’s control over the entire iPhone/iPad, iOS, and apps ecosystem more evident than when it changed its proprietary 30-pin connector to the new Lightning interface and effectively punched an entire industry of iOS accessory... Read more...
Have you ever been in a relationship that you just know is bad news, but you can't help but stay? Some call that being a glutton for punishment; for Apple, it's called smart business. Prior to the launch of the iPhone 5s, it was rumored that Apple was going to make the shift from Samsung to Taiwan's TSMC for chip... Read more...
If you travel, you’re probably already familiar with Google Translate, an app that can come in very handy when you’re abroad. Type “That’s not my monkey,” into the app, select the language you need, and you just might get through customs after all. Google updated its app yesterday with a new feature that makes... Read more...
When Apple unveiled its iPhone 5C and 5S last week, one of the standout features belonged to the latter: Fingerprint security. In effect, instead of having to type in a quick password to gain access to your phone, the built-in fingerprint reader would allow you to press your thumb or finger against the phone's main... Read more...
Hot on the heels of news that a crowdfunded competition aims to figure out if the fingerprint security implementation on Apple's iPhone 5s can be exploited comes news of a proven security risk, squarely involving iOS 7. The exploit specifically involves the lockscreen, the most common piece of security that stops some unauthorized individual... Read more...
Conan O’Brien is developing a taste for tech-based humor, and on tonight’s show he (gently) sent up iOS 7. Today of course is the day that Apple’s latest major overhaul to its mobile operating is available for public download, and Conan decided to update his iPhone on the air, against the advice of his faithful sidekick,... Read more...
Just in the nick of time, AT&T has unveiled its iPhone 5c & 5s pricing, both for a 2-year contract and the company's 'Next' service. For the most part, the pricing seen here is expected, although a mention of the 4S being available under contract for $0.99 does contrast a bit with the "FREE" mention on Apple's... Read more...
When Apple announced its new iPhones and produced a gold-colored version of the iPhone 5S, We were pretty sure we weren’t the only ones who cringed. Gold? Really? We’re going to have to see people walking around with gold-colored iPhones, pretending to be rich and classy from now on? (It’s a virtual certainty, for instance,... Read more...
In just a couple of days, Apple will unveil its next generation iPhone products. Rumor has it Apple is planning to launch a faster flagship phone with an upgraded processor, improved camera, and fingerprint reader for security, plus a lower-cost iPhone model made of polycarbonate plastic. We'll find out soon enough... Read more...
It's a rumor that has been going around for some time now, but it's gaining steam. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Apple is testing larger-screened iPhones, which would add a meaningful fragmentation to the iOS universe. Apple stuck with the 3.5-inch screen size for as long as it could, and eventually upped... Read more...
Something that's become rather clear over the past year or so is that when some info trickles out about a new Google Nexus product, the Web jumps all over it like wild savages. It kind of - just kind of - reminds me of how things used to be whenever a new piece of info leaked out about Apple's upcoming iPhones. While Google's sure to hate... Read more...
Twilight Zone fans might remember poor Henry Bemis (played by Burgess Meredith). Bemis loved books more than most but could never quite find the time to read them. That is, until a nuclear war breaks out and he finds himself all alone, except for a library full of books. There's a twist (isn't there always in the... Read more...
As far as Apple rumors go, usually it’s all about new products that the Cupertino company is trying to keep under wraps (but is also glad that people are rumor-mongering about), but this one pertains to yet another carrier that will soon carry the iPhone. According to Reuters, the Nikkei says that Japan’s NTT DoCoMo will start... Read more...
If you like living on the bleeding edge of technology, now is a terrible time to pick up an iPhone or iPad device. Apple has begun inviting members of the press to its headquarters on September 10, presumably to announce the next iPhone, and you have to think a tablet refresh can't be far behind. So, if you snatch up... Read more...
As far as leaked Apple devices go, the upcoming plastic so-called iPhone 5C isn’t quite as compelling as a hot next-gen device would be, but because the rumored device represents Apple’s first foray into selling a non-premium iPhone, everyone wants a peak. Chinese site first posted photos showing a pile of pink iPhone... Read more...
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