AT&T Reveals iPhone 5s & 5c Pricing for 2-year Contracts and its 'Next' Service
Just in the nick of time, AT&T has unveiled its iPhone 5c & 5s pricing, both for a 2-year contract and the company's 'Next' service. For the most part, the pricing seen here is expected, although a mention of the 4S being available under contract for $0.99 does contrast a bit with the "FREE" mention on Apple's own site - though we'd expect this to be some sort of processing fee, and at $1, few are likely to complain.
At $199, you can choose between the 5c 32GB or 5s 16GB, which is a bit of an interesting toss-up. There's a little more to this match-up than storage versus performance, though, as the 5c might attract some people more than the 5s thanks to its colorful styling.
- 2-year Contract
- iPhone 5s 64GB: $399
- iPhone 5s 32GB: $299
- iPhone 5s 16GB: $199
- iPhone 5c 32GB: $199
- iPhone 5c 16GB: $99
- iPhone 4S 8GB: $0.99
AT&T's 'Next' service, which allows you to forego a downpayment and then upgrade after a year, continues to be a little nichey thanks to its rather high pricing. The 5s 16GB, for example, will cost you a total of $384 over the course of the year. After that year, you'll give the phone back, and then move over to a new plan with a newer phone. Should you want to keep the phone after the first year, you can continue on for eight more months at the current pricing and own it outright
- AT&T Next
- iPhone 5s 64GB: $37/mo
- iPhone 5s 32GB: $32/mo
- iPhone 5s 16GB: $27/mo
- iPhone 5c 32GB: $27/mo
- iPhone 5c 16GB: $22/mo
- iPhone 4S 8GB: $17/mo
Next might be expensive, but at least it opens up the possibility of leasing a phone for those who want it. If you want to take advantage of any of this pricing, you can begin pre-ordering today. Phones are expected to ship out on the 20th.