Radeon 9500 Pro Battle Sapphire vs. Gigabyte

The Gigabyte Maya II R9500 Pro
The Sapphire Radeon 9500 Atlantis Pro
Premium Performance, Mainstream Price

By - Tom Laverriere
& Marco Chiappetta
February 3, 2003


Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
OpenGL Testing
We continued our OpenGL testing with some tests using Croteam's Serious Sam: The Second Encounter.  We configured the game to use OpenGL and ran the "Little Trouble" time demo using the "Extreme Quality" script created by the folks at Beyond3D, to max out the texture and filtering quality, and to be sure all of the cards tested were using the exact same in-game options.

It seems to be getting rather redundant here as again the Ti4600 is favored pretty heavily at the low end, but crank up the quality settings and the R9500's pull away.  It seems that this is the smallest margin that the RADEON's have managed to pull away with, but nonetheless still manage to do so by a good amount.

Quake 3 Arena v1.32
Running Out of Steam

For our next batch of OpenGL benchmarks we updated Quake 3 Arena with the most recent v1.32 Point Release, and ran timedemo "Four".  Quake 3 has definitely lost some of it's worthiness as a video card benchmark, but it is still useful for demonstrating the relative performance of one product versus another.  We set the game to its "High Quality" mode, enabled Trilinear filtering and maxed out the texture quality and geometry sliders before running any tests...

It really is amazing how much the Ti4600 manages to blow away the 9500's with no AA.  Click on the AA and it the 9500's shine.  This could be accredited to a lot of different entities, but I think we can say that ATi's AA methods and compression techniques are responsible for the higher framerates with AA enabled.  The drivers obviously play a role as well, but in the RADEON's we have a powerful VPU on our hands loaded with top notch technology.  I think it proves that ATI did their homework with their latest release.

Overclocking & The Heat Meter

Tags:  Radeon, Gigabyte, Sapphire, ATT, App, SAP, pro, AP

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