Radeon 9500 Pro Battle Sapphire vs. Gigabyte

The Gigabyte Maya II R9500 Pro
The Sapphire Radeon 9500 Atlantis Pro
Premium Performance, Mainstream Price

By - Tom Laverriere
& Marco Chiappetta
February 3, 2003


MadOnion / Futuremark 3DMark2001SE (Build 330)
DX8 Gaming Performance With The MaxFX Engine
For our next batch of tests we used the synthetic DirectX 8 benchmark from MadOnion (now Futuremark), 3DMark2001 SE (Build 330).  The "MaxFX" gaming engine, from Remedy's very popular Max Payne, is used to simulate actual in-game environments.  3DMark2001 makes use of DirectX 8 Pixel and Vertex shaders, and if you've ever looked at 3DMark2001's detailed results, you'll know that this benchmark is broken up into groups of "High" and "Low" quality tests.  The final score is generated by taking the results of these tests and adding them together using this formula:
  • (Game 1 Low Detail + Game 2 Low Detail + Game 3 Low Detail) x 10 + (Game 1 High Detail + Game 2 High Detail + Game 3 High Detail + Game 4) x 20

As we see here again, the Ti4600 laying the smack down on the RADEON's at the lowest settings, but as soon as we crank up the heat, the RADEON's take over.  It really is amazing the marks these R9500's can hit even at their highest settings.  If we look at the 1024x768 setting, 6XAA for the RADEON's is outperforming the Ti4600 at 4XAA.  That is quite a feat right there.  At 1600x1200 with 4XAA, we can see that RADEON's outperform the Ti4600 by an astounding 75%!  All this in the "budget" sector.  One word comes to mind, "Wow".


Comanche 4 - DirectX 8.1 Performance
Shader Goodness

Next up, we have Novalogic's Combat Helicopter simulator, Comanche 4.  Comanche 4 also uses DirectX8 Pixel and Vertex shaders, and is a useful tool for testing overall system performance.  This benchmark is very CPU dependant, so don't be turned off by what look like relative low frame rates.

As mentioned above these tests are very CPU dependent so the graphics card is not relied upon heavily.  One thing to note here is that the RADEON's are consistently beating up on the Ti4600 at higher settings, but also up to this point, the Gigabyte outperforms the Sapphire in every benchmark but a few, albeit by very small margins.  In any event, I think it's easy to see that we're going to have a newly crowned budget video card king.

Serious Sam & Quake 3

Tags:  Radeon, Gigabyte, Sapphire, ATT, App, SAP, pro, AP

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