NVIDIA Forceware v77.7x: New SLI AA Modes & Mainstream SLI

AA Image Quality: Battlefield 2


For this next batch of screenshots, we used the popular game Battlefield 2. To capture the images below, we set all of the game's graphical options to their highest settings and configured the resolution for 1280x960. And like the Half Life 2 screenshots on the previous page, the NVIDIA 7800 GTX "No AA" and "4X AA" shots, and both of the ATI X850 XT PE screenshots, were taken with the AA level set from within Battlefield 2. But for the SLI 8X and SLI 16X shots, AA was enabled through NVIDIA's drivers. Unfortunately, we were unable to capture 8xS screen shots in Battlefield 2 as well, and do not have them for comparison below...

Battlefield 2 Image Quality Analysis: SLI Anti-Aliasing

GeForce 7800 GTX
1280x960- No AA

GeForce 7800 GTX
1280x960- 4x AA

GeForce 7800 GTX
1280x960- SLI 8X AA

GeForce 7800 GTX
1280x960- SLI 16x AA

GeForce 7800 GTX
1280x960- No AA

200% Zoom

GeForce 7800 GTX
1280x960- 4x AA

200% Zoom

GeForce 7800 GTX
1280x960- SLI 8x AA

200% Zoom

GeForce 7800 GTX
1280x960- SLI 16x AA

200% Zoom

Radeon X850XT PE
1280x960- No AA

Radeon X850XT PE
1280x960- 6x AA

Radeon X850XT PE
1280x960- No AA

200% Zoom

Radeon X850XT PE
1280x960 - 6x AA

200% Zoom

Capturing the exact same image with both cards, at every different setting, proved to be difficult with Battlefield 2, thanks to the numerous spawn points available within each map. The images above were taken in the "Shaqi Peninsula" map at approximately the same position, though. As you can see, enabling anti-aliasing has a dramatic affect on the scene.  Once again, the "No AA" shots were comparable, and ATI's 6X AA falls somewhere in between NVIDIA's 4X and SLI 8X modes in terms of image quality. SLI 16X AA, however, did the best job, although we did have one issue with the scene that seems to be related to the angle at which we captured the screenshot.

If you take a look at the whole scene, and focus on the fence and barbed wire at the left, you can clearly see that SLI 16X AA produced the cleanest images. This is also evident in the trusses of the radio tower. But if you look at the zoomed portion of the scene, the fence at the right off in the distance seemed to be more dense in the SLI 16X AA shots. This anomaly is probably related to the slight differences in the angle at which the screenshots were taken, however.

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