Leadtek Winfast A250 Ultra TD GeForce4 Ti 4600

The Leadtek Winfast A250 Ultra TD GeForce4 Ti 4600 - Page 3

The Leadtek Winfast A250 Ultra TD
The GeForce4 Ti Card With A Massive Heat Sink

By -Dave Altavilla
March 26 2002


Croteam's Serious Sam, The Second Encounter is an OpenGL or DirectX based game title with many leading edge graphics effects and high resolution textures.  We ran our tests in OpenGL mode.

Serious Sam and NVIDIA's Chameleon Mark
Raising the bar with more intense testing and better visuals

We utilized Anthony "Reverend" Tan's Serious Sam Benchmark Scripts and made sure our tests were set equal amongst all cards in this test at Max Quality settings, with no anisotropic filtering enabled.  It seems the Serious Sam game interface itself has a way of "auto detecting" the capabilities of an installed graphics card and then setting visuals accordingly.  This can of course skew the test numbers one way or the other, depending on what graphics card is installed.  We were questioning some of the scores we were obtaining without the good Reverend's scripts.  Our friend Kyle at HardOCP gave us the hook-up on this information and we were then ensured of consistent repeatable results.  Surprisingly here, the Radeon 8500 closes the gap significantly with only a 14% deficit at 1280X1024.  At 1024X768 the gap is much larger at 24% or so.  Here again, we see the Leadtek Winfast A250 Ultra TD with virtually identical performance at both resolutions versus the reference card.

NVIDIA's Chameleon Mark - Direct 3D Performance
What next generation game engines should look like

We trust you recall our screenshots from the Chameleon demo, earlier in this review?  Well you guessed it, Chameleon Mark is NVIDIA's benchmark / frame rate counter for this technology demo.  Here are the results.

We decided you staunch ATi fans would think we were trying to rig the test, so we have numbers from the GeForce3 Ti 500 here as well, just for reference.  As you can see, the Leadtek Winfast A250 Ultra TD has a commanding lead, along with the reference GeForce4 Ti 4600 card.  We'll take these scores with a grain of salt however, since this is technically an NVIDIA generated benchmark.  On the other hand, it is interesting to see just how much faster the GeForce4 Ti 4600 is compared to NVIDIA's historic flagship GF3 Ti 500 card.

Let's fire up MadOnion's finest, shall we?

3DMark 2001SE, More FSAA, Overclocking and The Rating

Tags:  GeForce, 460, Win, Ultra, force, leadtek, fast, DT, ULT, EA, K

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