Intel's Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz Northwood Processor

Intel's Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz Northwood Processor - Page 3


Intel's New 2.4GHz Pentium 4 Northwood
200MHz more, like a walk in the park

By, Dave Altavilla
April 2, 2002

SPEC (Standard Performance Evaluation Corp) is company that develops, among other tools, a set of benchmarks which measures the 3D rendering performance of systems running under an OpenGL environment.  It runs all of its testing on 3D Model Design, Review, Analysis and Verification routines, that are a basis for comparison in CPU performance, as well as the graphics subsystem.


Design Reviews Set 07 and Data Explorer 06 Tests

In our first SpecViewperf test, Data Explorer - 06, SPEC describes the test as folllows:
The IBM Visualization Data Explorer (DX) is a general-purpose software package for scientific data visualization and analysis. It employs a data-flow driven client-server execution model and is currently available on Unix workstations from Silicon Graphics, IBM, Sun, Hewlett-Packard and Digital Equipment.  All tests assume z-buffering with one light in addition to specification of a color at every vertex. Triangle meshes are the primary primitives for this viewset. While Data Explorer allows for many other modes of interaction, these assumptions cover the majority of user interaction.

The first version of this viewset included indirect rendering to handle the client/server model of X-Windows-based systems. In this version, tests with indirect rendering have been removed to allow the viewset to be fully ported to Windows NT and OS/2 environments.

In Data Explorer, we see the 2.4GHz Northwood with a commanding 10% lead over the Athlon XP 2100+.  The 2.2GHz Northwood is about 5% behind it's big brother but still ahead of the Athlon by a 5% margin as well.


In our next test, SpecViewperf's Design Review - 07 is described as follows:
DesignReview is a 3D computer model review package specifically tailored for plant design models consisting of piping, equipment and structural elements such as I-beams, HVAC ducting, and electrical raceways. It allows flexible viewing and manipulation of the model for helping the design team visually track progress, identify interferences, locate components, and facilitate project approvals by presenting clear presentations that technical and non-technical audiences can understand.

DesignReview works from a memory-resident representation of the model that is composed of high-order objects such as pipes, elbows valves, and I-beams. During a plant walkthrough, each view is rendered by transforming these high-order objects to triangle strips or line strips. Tolerancing of each object is done dynamically and only triangles that are front facing are generated. This is apparent in the viewset model as it is rotated.  The updated DRV-07 shaded model contains 367178 vertices in 42821 primitives. Vertex arrays are used to send the data to mirror the current release of the Design Reivew application.  The wire frame model contains 1599755 vertices in 94275 primitives.

What we like about these SpecViewperf tests is that they are real world, highly compute intensive applications, that would most definitely take advantage of an high end Pentium 4 or Athlon's horsepower.  In both the Data Explorer and Design Reviews tests, the graphics subsystem, in this case our GeForce3 Ti 500 cards, are also heavily weighting this test.  However, since we are comparing apples to apples and all test systems were configured with the exact same graphics card and driver set, we have consistent, repeatable and valid results.  Here the Pentium 4 2.4GHz CPU has an impressive 28% lead over the Athlon XP 2100+.  The 2.2GHz P4 has a 26% lead and the two Pentium 4 CPUs are within 3% of each other.


MadOnion's Finest - 3DMark, Video200 MPEG Encode and PCMark 2002

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