Intel SSD DC P3700 NVMe PCIe Review

We really like PCMark 7's Secondary Storage benchmark module for its pseudo real-world application measurement approach to testing. PCMark 7 offers a trace-based measurement of system response times under various scripted workloads of traditional client / desktop system operation. From simple application start-up performance, to data streaming from a drive in a game engine, and video editing with Windows Movie Maker, we feel more comfortable that these tests reasonably illustrate the performance profile of SSDs in an end-user / consumer PC usage model, more so than a purely synthetic transfer test.

Futuremark's PCMark 7 Secondary Storage

The Intel SSD DC P3700 isn't necessarily targeted at client workloads, but pricing on the some of the drives is somewhat approachable, and we suspect some hardcore-enthusiasts may consider one of these drives for a new build. With that in mind, we ran PCMark 7 on the Intel SSD DC P3700 and have the results for your here.  As you can see, the drive was clearly the fastest overall.

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