Gigabyte GA-G1975X G1-Turbo Motherboard

Cinebench 2003 and 3DMark05 Results


Cinebench 2003 Performance Tests
3D Modeling & Rendering Tests

The Cinebench 2003 benchmark is an OpenGL 3D rendering performance test, based on the commercially available Cinema 4D application.  This is a multi-threaded, multi-processor aware benchmark that renders a single 3D scene and tracks the length of the entire process. The time it took each test system to render the entire scene is represented in the graph below (listed in seconds). 


Speaking of trends, the advantage in Gigabyte's favor continues with the Cinebench 2003 testing.  Again, we're used to seeing very similar results in most of these benchmarks, so it comes as a bit of a surprise to see the G1975X creating as much distance between itself and the other boards.  

Futuremark 3DMark05 - CPU Test
Simulated DirectX Gaming Performance

3DMark05's built-in CPU test is a multi-threaded "gaming related" DirectX metric that's useful for comparing relative performance between similarly equipped systems.  This test consists of two different 3D scenes that are generated with a software renderer, which is dependant on the host CPU's performance.  This means that the calculations normally reserved for your 3D accelerator are instead sent to the central processor.  The number of frames generated per second in each test is used to determine the final score.


Just as we had seen earlier with Kribibench rendering, Intel's boards seem to have a slight advantage with graphic-heavy benchmarks including 3DMark05.  In the past, we had reported that the Asus P5WD2 outperformed the nForce4 boards, including the GA-8N-SLI, which came out well later on.  Now, even the P5WD2's performance is eclipsed by the G1975X. 

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