Gainward's Titanium Series Lineup

The Gainward Titanium Series Line-up
Pure Performance

By - Marco Chiappetta
January 3, 2002

DirectX performance only tells part of the story, we can't forget about OpenGL can we?  Here are a few benchmarks to test the OpenGL performance of each card as well.

OpenGL Benchmarks with GLExcess XS Mark
Making an appearance

GLExcess was the first OpenGL hurdle we placed in front of the Gainward Ti cards.  We ran this test at both 16 and 32-Bit color at resolutions of 800x600 and 1024x768.

How about a round of applause for the Gainward GeForce 2 Ti / 500!  Available memory bandwidth isn't significantly stressed using 16-Bit color, which allows the GeForce 2 Ti to shine and surpass the GeForce 3 Ti / 450 in this test.  Let's see if the story is different using 32-Bit color...

The tables are turned here.  Once again the more efficient memory controller in the GeForce 3 cards equates to better overall performance. 

OpenGL Benchmarks with Vulpine GL Mark
More OpenGL testing

Vulpine GLMark is a popular synthetic OpenGL benchmark that simulates "in-game" performance in detailed indoor and outdoor environments.  We also ran Vulpine through a series of tests at both 16 and 32-Bit color.  To keep the playing field level, we did not enable "GeForce 3" features in these tests, because the GeForce 2 Ti doesn't have the same pixel and vertex shading capabilities of the GeForce 3. 

All three boards performed similarly in the 16-Bit Vulpine tests.  Notice that at 800x600, the GeForce 2 Ti /  500 outperformed the GeForce 3 Ti / 450.  I don't think that too many of you will be purchasing one of these cards to game at 16-Bit though, so let's move on and see what happens when we jack up the color depth a notch.

More OpenGL with Vulpine and Quake 3


Tags:  EU, Itanium, M Series, ium, ita, Titanium, Titan, IE, AI, AR, NIU

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