Cybertron CLX Ra System Review: A Luxury Dual GTX 1080 Killer Gaming Rig

Grand Theft Auto V
DirectX 11 Gaming Performance

Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto series has been wildly successful for many years now, offering some of the edgiest story lines, game play tactics and objectives the gaming industry has ever seen. With psychopathic main characters, you are left in the depraved communities of Los Santos and Blaine County, to walk a path few would dare choose in real life, committing nefarious acts, robbing and pillaging to complete your objectives. In short, it's rather entertaining that you're tasked with leaving a virtual world worse off than you found it, consequences be damned. We benchmark GTA V at 1920x1080, 2560x1440, and 3840x2160 at the Very High Quality preset.

Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V

Cybertron CLX Ra Grand Theft Auto V

Here again we see the CLX Ra put up some ridiculously impressive numbers topping out at around 165 FPS at both 1920x1080 and 2560x1440. There's barely a performance hit when running at 4K, with the CLX Ra still pushing nearly 157 FPS on average but with a noticeable minimum frame rate hiccup. Perhaps NVIDIA has some driver work to do again in this title. 

DirectX 11 Gaming Performance

Square Enix set the tone for Thief by saying, "Garrett, the Master Thief, steps out of the shadows into the City. In this treacherous place, where the Baron’s Watch spreads a rising tide of fear and oppression, his skills are the only things he can trust. Even the most cautious citizens and their best-guarded possessions are not safe from his reach." The Thief series has been popular for years, not only for its interesting story lines and unique gameplay, but because the games have consistently featured excellent graphics and imagery, and leveraged bleeding graphics edge technology, like AMD's Mantle API, for example.

thief screenshot

Cybertron CLX Ra Thief

In this test, the CLX Ra seems to hit a ceiling at around 140 FPS. When jacking up the resolution to 4K, the CLX Ra falls just a hair below triple-digit framerates at 99.3 FPS. Either way, you're not wanting for performance in this title either, with this killer Cybertron config.

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