Chaintech 7NJS and Leadtek K7NCR18DPro

Chaintech 7NJS and Leadtek K7NCR18DPro - Page 4


The Chaintech 7NJS Zenith & Leadtek K7NCR18D-Pro Motherboards
Nvidia's Nforce2 Chipset pushes out Dual Channel DDR

By, Tom Laverriere
December 16,  2002


Let's take a look at how our two boards duke it out in a few runs of Business and Content Creation Winstone, from ZD eTesting Labs.  These tests were run at both DDR333 and the overclocked 182MHz FSB, giving us DDR364.


ZD eTesting Labs Business and Content Creation Winstones
Desktop Application Performance

The Business Winstone tests include:

  • Five Microsoft Office 2000 applications (Access, Excel, FrontPage, PowerPoint, and Word)

  • Microsoft Project 98

  • Lotus Notes R5

  • NicoMak WinZip

  • Norton Antivirus

  • Netscape Communicator

Things are pretty much neck and neck.  The only big difference here is with the default settings at DDR333.  The Leadtek scored a bit better, but probably within the margin of error.  Other than that these scores don't really pick a winner with solid performances from both.

Content Creation Winstone 2002 tests include:

  • Adobe Photoshop 6.0.1
  • Adobe Premiere 6.0
  • Macromedia Director 8.5
  • Macromedia Dreamweaver UltraDev 4
  • Microsoft Windows Media Encoder
  • Netscape Navigator 6/6.01
  • Sonic Foundry Sound Forge 5.0c (build 184)


Here the Leadtek takes the lead in both the overclocked and the default settings.  Again, we're probably seeing scores here that are within the margin of error in these tests, but the Leadtek has managed to pull ahead consistently.

Quake 3 and Comanche 4

Tags:  Tech, chaintech, DP, leadtek, DT, pro, EA, AI, and, K

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