ATI All-In-Wonder Radeon 8500 Review


The ATi All-In-Wonder Radeon 8500 Review
Will The Real All-In-Wonder Please Stand Up?

By, Jeff Bouton
April 22, 2002


ATi has been manufacturing video cards and other multimedia products since 1985 and was one of the earliest companies to institute the concept of a combination TV/Video card.  The theory seemed simple, combine a quality graphics card and TV tuner into a single PCB, that would give the consumer the best of both worlds in a single product.  And so the ?All-In-Wonder? product line was born.  These days, ATi has been releasing new models of the ?All-In-Wonder? at a feverish pace, with three new versions since last fall alone, the All-In-Wonder Radeon 8500DV, the All-In-Wonder Radeon 7500, and now the All-In-Wonder Radeon 8500. 

Not long before the holiday season of 2001, Dave had the chance to review the first All-In-Wonder to incorporate the Radeon 8500 GPU.  The All-In-Wonder Radeon 8500DV targeted the video enthusiast looking for advanced video editing capabilities as well as exceptional 3D Graphics quality.  Powered by a 240MHz. Radeon 8500 GPU and 190MHz. DDR RAM (380MHz.), the 8500DV proved to be both a well-

Tags:  ATI, Radeon, 8500, review, view, IE

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