ASRock Vision 3D 137B HTPC with NVIDIA 3DTV Play
Quality and User Experience
Tron Trailer: 1080P Flash Video
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: 1080P Blu-Ray
Playback of every file type we threw at the ASRock Vision 3D was virtually flawless. We have been using the machine both in the lab and in a home theater environment for a number of weeks and there hasn't been a single file or type of media the machine hasn't handled with aplomb. CPU utilization was low with every file we tested, including 3D Blu-Ray discs and Flash video, and the quality of the video was nothing but excellent.
The ASRock Vision 3D HTPC also handled all of the 3D content we had available perfectly. 3D Photos, video clips, live streaming from the web, Blu-Ray discs, and games all worked perfectly. We recommend watching the video embedded on the first page of this piece for examples.