A sequel to Metro 2033, the dark and spooky first person shooter (FPS) Metro Last Light continues the journey of Artyom. Armed to the teeth, you fight your way through monsters and hostile commandos as you search for the Dark One. Metro Last Light has some unusual gameplay features, including a health system in which you heal slowly, rather than using the typical med kit. And, because good bullets are hard to make, Metro denizens use bullets as currency. We use the Very High quality settings when running this game’s benchmark.
| Metro Last Light | DirectX 11 Gaming Performance |
The Alienware X51 R3 and its GeForce GTX 960 put up a playable framerate in this game at a better-than-HD resolution, but it can't quite catch the systems with more powerful GPUs inside. Still, for this GPU-crusher of a benchmark, it's a reasonably strong showing.