Abit BE6 Motherboard

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Abit's BE6 Motherboard - Benchmarks

We paired the BE6 up with the latest components in an effort to test out the capabilites of the ATA66 Controller and the rest of this interesting board. Here are the results...

Our Test System

Full Tower ATX Case w/ 300W PS, Pentium3 -450 Overclocked to 558 MHz. w/ a 124MHz.System Bus, Abit BE6 Motherboard, 128MB PC133 HSDRAM from EMS, WD Expert AC418000 7200 RPM ATA66 Hard Drive, Matrox G400MAX w/ 32MB, Toshiba SDM1202 3rd. Gen. 4.8X DVD/32X CDROM, Win 98, DirectX 6.1


Wintune Test Results


CPU (1) Intel Pentium III@558 MHz
Video Board Matrox G400MAX w/ 32MB
Video Mode 1152x864@32bits/pixel
RAM 128 MB
OS Windows 98 4.10.1998

Area Tested


CPU Integer 1627.656 MIPS
CPU Floating Point 644.997 MFLOPS
Video(2D) 86.2915 MPixels/s
Direct3D 180.7861 MPixels/s
OpenGL 105.7921 MPixels/s
Memory 935.0705 MB/s
Cached Disk 105.9199 MB/s
Uncached Disk 4.481568 MB/s
The Video numbers here are free with the test but these are skewed by the specific video card we used. Instead, we are more interested in the Disk and CPU numbers, both of which are excellent when compared to other boards in this class, like the Soyo Sy-6BA+III and MSI MS-6163Pro.


 Winbench 99 Test Results

(click image for larger view)

Once again the CPU numbers are on par with other recent Slot 1 Overclocker rigs from the field. However, the Disk numbers are superb. These are the best EIDE benchmarks to date, that we have been able to generate in the HH Labs. Thanks of course, to the on board ATA66 controller and hard disk we used.



In Summary

The Abit BE6 is a great new and unique addition to the over saturated Slot 1 BX field. Abit should be congratulated for bringing a new product and technology to market before all others with the new ATA66 standard. The BE6 performs well on its own merits and then goes the extra mile with the enhanced ATA66 EIDE interface for a measurable gain in Hard Disk performance. While the board still has a little maturing to do, we feel comfortable recommending it for its overall quality and feature-set.

We give the Abit BE6 a Hot Hardware Temp-O-Meter rating of...

94 !


Tags:  Motherboard, Abit, board, AR

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