PUBG Now Included Free With Xbox One X Purchases For A Limited Time
Microsoft says that the "special holiday promotion" will only be available in select regions through your local Microsoft Store or participating retailers. So, before you click the "Purchase" button on that shiny new Xbox One X, make sure that retailer that you are buying from is participating in the promotion.
PUBG launched in March of this year for the PC platform and has quickly grown to become of the most played multiplayer games on the face of the planet, with sales approaching 25 million on Steam. The game will exit the Steam Early Access program on December 20th to graduate to a full 1.0 release.
The game was officially released on the Xbox One/Xbox One X platforms on December 12th, and the reception has most definitely been mixed. Analysis by Digital Foundry showed that performance for the game often falls well below the 30fps mark (the game is targeted to run at 30fps), with some scenes falling below 20fps, which is absolutely dreadful. The publication remarked that while the Xbox One X features higher resolutions textures and looks far better than its Xbox One counterpart, it too suffers from poor performance across the board.
"With the quality of the talent deployed on the title, we expected more," wrote Digital Foundry earlier this week. "Just a consistent frame-rate would prove transformative for the quality of the experience. We'll be tracking the progress of this title as it evolves, but for now, we'd consider caution before any purchase."
For its part, the Xbox One X is the most powerful gaming console in the world and is capable of "true 4K" gaming. That added processing performance comes at a cost, however. The Xbox One X is priced at $499.