Pentium 4 3.73GHz EE, Dual 6600GT vs Dual 6800, Thermaltake Armor VA8000 Tower

Hey there everyone.  We've got ourselves a relatively quiet morning with just a few items to serve up.  First, there is the Pentium 4 3.73GHz Extreme Edition followed by some 6600GT and 6800 SLI lovin'.  Lastly, there's a look at the Thermaltake Armor VA8000 Case.  For me, it's time to get the weekend started a little early.  I'll catch you back here next week.

Intel Pentium 4 3.73GHz Extreme Edition @ Viperlair:

"As we've seen in our results, the gap between AMD and Intel in terms of application performance is a lot closer than it used to be, at least when we're talking about $1000 processors. The 3.73GHz Extreme Edition did edge the Athlon FX-55 in most of the application tests (and trumped it in video encoding), but the race is getting tighter here. While the FX-55 did win all the gaming benchmarks, we saw that the larger cache and 1066FSB narrowed the results for Intel, but not enough to overtake AMD."

Dual 6600GT vs Dual 6800: the SLIdown @

"With excellent price-performance ratios and groundbreaking hardware, these sweet cards do their users proud, delivering precedently unparalleled power with their impressive feature sets, and more than doubling the results achieved by the previous generation's best performers."

Thermaltake Armor VA8000 Tower Case @

"The Armor case is another interesting innovation from Thermaltake. It offers a great amount of space, many convenient features, and a style that is truly unique. As with all Thermaltake cases, the quality and construction are superb, and the finish makes this a case worth showing off. The inclusion of features to simplify the use of water cooling is a nice touch, and one that I hope to see included on more cases down the road."