Items tagged with Ultra

IBM's DDRS34560D - 4.5 Gig Ultra 2 SCSI LVD Drive   SCSI for the masses!       SCSI, use to conjure up memories of difficult set up and lots of time spent tweaking with settings in the SCSI BIOS trying to get a drive to run at peak performance. Not so with many of today's SCSI Drives. IBM has a full arsenal of high performance... Read more...
The Elsa Gladiac Ultra It sure is fast...but you'll pay for it!   By Marco "BigWop" Chiappetta - November 14, 2000   Anyone who remotely follows the PC hardware scene has no doubt become familiar with nVidia and their very aggressive product cycles.  Ever since the Riva 128 was released, nVidia has consistently and... Read more...
The Gigabyte GA660Plus - TNT2-A What a difference a "rev." makes! Most companies dealing with circuit board design and manufacturing go through a refinement process of their product which makes improvements to the original release product with each iteration. Gigabyte had a little help from NVidia, the manufacturers of the TNT2 chip,... Read more...
The Hercules 3D Prophet II Ultra So's blue... By, Marco "BigWop" Chiappetta January 4, 2001 Way back in 1982, the technology behind the Hercules monochrome graphics adapter became an established PC standard (I actually had one...Geez, I'm ancient!). For many years to follow, it was commonplace to find Hercules products... Read more...
The X-Micro Impact 4 Ultra Haven't I seen you somewhere before? By, Jeff Bouton January 25, 2001 Today we?ll be taking a look at yet another product from Taiwan based X-Micro.  Not long ago I had the pleasure of taking the Hulk V GeForce2 MX card for a ride around the block and as you may have already heard, I liked it!  In fact,... Read more...
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