Items tagged with NASA

After over a decade of delays, Boeing is finally ready for the first manned test flight of the Starliner spacecraft. The two-person crew will dock with the International Space Station as part of an agreement with NASA. For all who have been patiently waiting Boeing’s first manned flight, the wait is nearly over... Read more...
An international team of researchers used NASA’s Webb space telescope to map the weather on a hot gas-giant exoplanet. WASP-43 b, as it's called, is similar in size to Jupiter and made primarily of hydrogen and helium, making it much hotter than any planet in Earth’s solar system. While the exoplanet’s star is... Read more...
NASA’s Webb space telescope continues to show off its ability to capture objects in deep space in sharp detail with new images of Horsehead Nebula. The new images show the top of the “horse’s mane,” or edge of the nebula, capturing the region’s complexity in unprecedented spatial resolution. The iconic Horsehead... Read more...
NASA received a deep space laser message from its Psyche spacecraft from over 140 million miles (226 million kilometers) away. The laser message was transmitted by the space agency’s Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) experiment onboard the Psyche spacecraft. Psyche is on its way to a unique metal-rich... Read more...
NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) made its first ever startling discovery of a free-floating rogue planet, and NASA says it is hunting for more. While TESS will continue to be on the lookout for more rogue planets, the space agency is hopeful that its upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will... Read more...
Astronomers celebrated Hubble Space Telescope’s 34th anniversary of its launch this week by capturing an incredible image of the Little Dumbbell Nebula, also known as Messier 76. The distant nebula is located 3,400 light-years away in the northern circumpolar constellation Perseus. NASA’s Hubble telescope was... Read more...
NASA has solved a mystery with its Voyager 1 probe that had engineers baffled for a time. Now, for the first time in five months, NASA can check the health and status of the most distant human-made object in existence. The issue arose last November, when three of Voyager 1’s onboard computers, called the flight... Read more...
April’s full Moon, perhaps best known as the Pink Moon, is about to grace the night sky. As with other full Moons, this month’s is known by many names, such as the Sprouting Grass Moon, and the Pesach or Passover Moon. According to NASA, the Maine Farmer’s Almanac began publishing “Indian” names for full moons in... Read more...
NASA scientists have taken data gathered by the Juno spacecraft of Jupiter’s moon Io and created interesting animations, highlighting two of the Jovian moon’s most striking features. The incredible animations create three-dimensional renderings of one of Io’s mountains, and a lake of cooling lava. Juno’s principal... Read more...
Engineers who worked on NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter gathered one last time in a control room, marking the final time they would work together on Ingenuity operations. While the mission ended on January 25, 2024, the Mars helicopter will continue to serve as a testbed for collecting data that may benefit future... Read more...
The Lyrids meteor shower is about to light up the night sky in a spectacular fashion with falling stars to make wishes upon. The first recorded sighting of a Lyrids meteor shower dates all the way back to 687 BC by the Chinese. While not as fast or bountiful as the Perseids, the Lyrids are well known for producing... Read more...
NASA is prepared to announce its response to a Mars Sample Return Independent Review Board report from last September. The space agency has invited media and the public to join a livestream of the teleconference later today. The Mars Sample Return has been an ongoing process since NASA’s Perseverance rover began... Read more...
NASA captured a mystical surfboard hovering above the lunar surface with its Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). The surfboard figure is actually the Korea Aerospace Research Institute’s Danuri lunar orbiter, which orbits the Moon parallel to LRO. When someone thinks about images of the Moon being sent back to... Read more...
As the space around Earth becomes more crowded with satellites and other spacecraft, NASA has a plan for a sustainable future within the cosmos. The space agency recently released the first part of its integrated Space Sustainability Strategy, marking initial progress for NASA on the issue at hand. It feels like... Read more...
While the 2024 total solar eclipse has come and gone, NASA wants everyone to know there are plenty more eclipses on the horizon ahead of the next total solar eclipse in North America in August 2044. Over the next two years, folks willing to travel can catch an annular solar eclipse in South America this fall, and a... Read more...
The upcoming total solar eclipse has been making plenty of headlines as of late, leaving some to wonder how agencies such as NASA devise the maps predicting the path of totality. Well, it all comes down to knowing the precise shape and position of the Moon, and a few other key features and environmental aspects... Read more...
The total solar eclipse is just around the corner on April 8th, and millions of folks around the United States are getting ready to see it. That said, if you haven’t gotten your solar viewing glasses yet or done other necessary prep work, it might be a bit of a struggle to get it all in time. Thankfully, NASA will be... Read more...
With the upcoming total solar eclipse, Moon buggy showdowns, and even the White House wanting to give the lunar destination its own celestial time zone, the Moon has been making a lot of headlines as of late. The total solar eclipse will occur in just a few days on April 8, 2024. It will darken the land across... Read more...
A Florida homeowner had what seems like a piece of space junk rip through his roof and go through two floors. He believes it's a piece from the discarded ISS battery pallet that NASA thought would completely burn up on re-entry. Thankfully no one was hurt and investigators are now trying to determine the origin of the... Read more...
As NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover arrives at Gediz Vallis channel, scientists are intrigued with the possibility of finding clues about the history of water on the Red Planet. Gediz Vallis channel may have been home to an ancient and winding river, with potential evidence that would confirm how the channel was... Read more...
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captured a breathtaking image of a multi-star system surrounded by a stellar nursery. The system is thought to be only 2.8 millions old, in contrast to Earth’s Sun, which is believed to be 4.6 billion years old. The multi-star system, FS Tau, comprises FS Tau A, the bright star-like... Read more...
Millions of people across North America are preparing to view the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. NASA is also preparing to host a media briefing with other government agencies to discuss what scientific experiments the agency will conduct during the event, as well as provide viewers with information on... Read more...
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