Items tagged with FLA

After news broke that the Fair Labor Association found numerous working condition violations at Foxconn plants in China, there was some worry that when the factories reduced working hours to more humane levels, workers would see a deep dropoff in pay. At least in word if not yet in deed, Foxconn spoke out to alleviate those concerns. Last... Read more...
In January, Apple joined the Free Labor Association, agreeing to uphold the group’s workplace standards. A month later, the FLA launched an independent investigation into working conditions at Foxconn plants in China, where many Apple products are manufactured. Now, the investigation is complete, and the FLA... Read more...
When pimping Windows Vista prior to its release, Microsoft called it "the most secure OS ever." Of course, software is just software, and there are bugs in anything. And on Friday, security firm Phion AG announced they had discovered a TCP/IP stack buffer overflow. As researcher Thomas Unterleitner indicated: Since this buffer overflow overwrites... Read more...
Kanguru Solutions Releases First Of Its Kind eSATA + USB Flash Drive November 19, 2008 09:17 AM Eastern Time - MILLIS, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Kanguru Solutions, announces the release of the Kanguru e-Flash™, a cutting edge flash drive with both eSATA and USB connectivity. Utilizing eSATA (External Serial ATA) technology allows the Kanguru Read more...
Well, as we discussed previously, if you don't know the answer, if you are not a technophile, ask one.A woman's husband told her that a raunchy photo which had been sent via email from his iPhone was the result of a glitch.  Not the photo itself; he admitted to that.  No, the pic was automatically attached, addressed and sent because... Read more...
The metrics-happy folks over at Net Application have updated their data on a number of industry trends for browser, search engine, operating system (OS), and Internet service provider (ISP) usage to include the latest numbers for the month of September. There is a mountain of interesting information about how people are using their computers--albeit... Read more...
NVIDIA has been hit with a securities fraud class action lawsuit over the defective GPUs which it admitted to in July. The complaint was filed by New York-based law firm Shalov Stone Bonner & Rocco. It alleges that NVIDIA knew about the flawed GPUs as early as November 8th, 2007 though no public announcement was made until July 2, 2008.... Read more...
Creating 3D maps and worlds can be extremely labor intensive and time consuming. And ultimately the final result might not survive the close scrutiny of those expecting real-world emulations. A new technique developed by scientists at The University of Manchester's School of Computer Science and Dolby Canada, however, might make capturing... Read more...
Web designers love Flash, Adobe's industry-standard method of displaying dynamic images. But anyone who cared about Search Engine Optimization knew the dirty little secret of Flash: it was all pretty much invisible to web-crawlers like Google. Adobe is now providing Google and Yahoo with the tools necessary to index Flash content, so it won't... Read more...
There's always quite a race to display things. Look at the ferocious competition and impressive innovation between the makers of plasma screens, LCD screens, rear-projection sets, you name it. I guess you can still buy Cathode Ray Tubes, too,  if you like technology from the last century. They all have their pluses and minuses, of course,... Read more...
Adobe's Flash player has a 98% percent install rate, so I guess it's safe to call it an industry standard for video content. They've just released the latest version, Flash Player 10,  nicknamed "Astro," as a beta test. It's got some interesting things under the hood that work in the background to make video playback faster. On the visual... Read more...
As if on cue after HotHardware's News Item about the future of solid state memory, USA Today has a article today about the plentiful supply of flash memory chips, and how that oversupply is putting downward pressure on prices. Some are even being sold at a loss to shed supply. Memory bargain hunters, start your engines.Some wholesale flash... Read more...
The President of Toshiba, Shozo Saito, delivered  a fascinating look at near future of solid-state memory last week. He's in a position to know about NAND flash memory and Solid State Drives,  and the future not only looks bright, it looks like the future is right now. He predicted one-quarter of notebook PCs will have a solid state... Read more...
On Monday Skype, announced new subscription plans that allow flat-rate unlimited calling to 34 countries. It should be noted that for Skype defines unlimited as 10,000 minutes / month; after that standard fees apply.  Of course, 10,000 minutes equates to about 5 hours a day, so what the heck?The company said it was offering unlimited... Read more...
Super Talent Launches World’s Smallest 8GB USB Drive San Jose, California – April 7, 2008 -- Super Talent Technology, a leading manufacturer of Flash storage solutions and DRAM memory modules, today announced three new 8GB USB Flash drives, including the world’s smallest 8GB drive. These new drives include: PICO-A, with a swivel lid; the retractable... Read more...
Adobe has come up with a Digital Rights Management security protocol for its ubiquitous Flash video format. It allows content generators to feel secure about letting viewers download video content instead of simply streaming it in a browser, but mash-up artists who like to fiddle with FLV files will have another hurdle placed in their way.Intended... Read more...
Recently we reported that Steve Jobs had no use for Flash in the iPhone. Microsoft thinks, well, differently. Even though Microsoft is developing a rich-media alternative to Flash they call Silverlight, Adobe and Microsoft understand that for the time being, they'll both do better by licensing Adobe's Flash "Lite" for MS Windows Mobile. “People... Read more...
Japan's Pioneer Electronics is giving up on manufacturing their own plasma panels, and will simply buy them from other manufacturers and market them to consumers. The market for the panels is intensely competitive, and Pioneer has been bleeding red ink ever since it purchased  the plasma manufacturing operations of NEC Corp in 2004. As... Read more...
I don't know which I dread accidentally clicking on more: A PDF link (Adobe) or a Quicktime video (Apple). But unless you live under a rock, you're looking at Flash video every day on the Internet. Steve Jobs doesn't seem to be; he's publicly  announced that Flash is unsuitable for the iPhone in any of its current iterations. Adobe countered... Read more...
CORSAIR ANNOUNCES NEW 16GB “GT” HIGH PERFORMANCE USB 2.0 FLASH DRIVE AT CEBIT 2008Corsair GT USB Drive Provides Up To 4X Faster Transfer Speeds than Standard USB DrivesFremont, CA, February 28, 2008 – Corsair®, a worldwide leader in high performance computer and flash memory products, announced a new 16GB high performance... Read more...
Solid-state memory is the future. Micron and Intel, working together, have brought us closer to that future with the announcement of  a new flash  memory architecture that more than doubles both read and write speeds for solid-state memory devices.IM Flash Technologies, a joint venture between Intel and Micron, has developed an 8G-bit... Read more...
Toshiba, backer of the HD DVD standard for next-generation high-definition disc players, is reacting to the move of many Hollywood studios to exclusively offer their entertainment on rival Sony's Blu-ray format. By "reacting," I mean "slashing their prices to the bone."Toshiba's third generation 1080i-capable HD-A3 is selling for a mere $139.98... Read more...
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