Items tagged with Chrome OS

“The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” Google probably feels the exact same way about Chrome OS, as a credible report last week aired that suggested Chrome OS would be given the boot, with much of its functionality being rolled into the dominant Android operating system. Google addressed the... Read more...
One of the hottest rumors on the web right now is that Google is planning to merge its Android operating system for mobile devices with its Chrome OS for laptops and desktops. And why not? When you think about it, there's no longer a hard line between personal computers and mobile gadgets, at least in terms of... Read more...
Notebook computers running Google’s Chrome OS — aka Chromebooks — seem to be all the rage these days, especially in the education sector. Schools that were once hip to the idea of providing students with expensive iPads are now getting more bang for their buck — along with the convenience of a built-in keyboard — with... Read more...
When I hear the word Chromebook, I first think of cheap plastic machines that are geared more towards A) consumers that don’t mind operating in a mostly cloud-centric environment or B) school children. But Chromebooks are also increasingly finding a home in the business sector, and companies like Dell are more than... Read more...
Google released an update for Chrome OS late last week. Chromebook users have had the weekend to form an opinion of the new Launcher, which has Google Now integration and improved typed and voice search functionality. So far, the reaction to Chrome OS 42 is mixed. Comments posted on Google’s Chrome Releases blog... Read more...
Chromebooks based on Google’s Chrome OS are making some inroads in the notebook market — especially in education — but the same can’t be said for two other form-factors of Chrome OS-based computers: the Chromebox and the Chromebase. Acer hopes to at least shift some momentum towards Chromebases (all-in-one Chrome OS... Read more...
Many of us are no doubt frustrated with our televisions, convinced that they simply aren't contributing enough to earn their keep, acting only as passive entertainment and information delivery conduits and occasionally as defacto babysitters for our kids (or defacto — and never argumentative — friends for ourselves)... Read more...
Microsoft is pulling out all the stops when it comes to battling an insurgency from Google with Chrome OS. Microsoft has resorted to offering Windows 8.1 with Bing free to OEMs that provide low-cost laptops and desktops to consumers as a way of stopping Google dead in its tracks. The latest assault on Chrome OS... Read more...
Google has a history of trying things that may or may not have long-term success in the market, and creating Chrome OS for the Chromebook was certainly one of those things. Somewhat amazingly, the Chromebook has managed to gain enough traction to hang around for future iterations, as seen with Samsung's newly revised... Read more...
In a move to supplement its list of applications available on its Chromebooks, Google has announced a partnership with Adobe on its official website. The new partnership will bring Adobe’s Creative Cloud onto Chromebooks starting with a streaming version of Photoshop. Google revealed that the new feature will be... Read more...
Google last week announced the availability of four Android apps on Chrome OS as the result of a projected called App Runtime for Chrome (beta). That was pretty exciting, but what if you could run more than just four Android apps on Chrome OS? And what if you could run them on other operating systems as well? A... Read more...
Whether it's because consumers simply didn't take to Windows 8 the way Microsoft hoped or because there's a genuine like for Chrome OS, Chromebooks have grown to become super popular, especially among students who need a cheap, basic machine for surfing the web. In a way, Chromebooks are the modern day netbooks, and they're about to get a... Read more...
Leave it to Google's Chrome team to keep the smiles coming, even from a web browser. Chrome itself seems to be updated on a near-nightly basis, with patches and performance tweaks being the norm. That said, a slew of new features have cropped up over the past few months, and the latest Chrome beta includes yet another that sounds almost too... Read more...
Worried about what your kids are doing online with their Chromebooks? Your only option at this point is to hover their shoulders each and every time they fire it up, but starting soon, you'll be able to implement certain restrictions as a "Supervised User." By allowing for multiple accounts, Google is basically baking... Read more...
If the only thing stopping you from picking up a Chromebook is the lack of support for Microsoft Word and/or Excel, you'll be happy to know that there's an update to the developer channel build of Chrome OS that adds the ability to edit both types of files on an experimental basis. Chromium evangelist François... Read more...
Earlier this year, Google did something almost ground-breaking when it introduced the Chromebook Pixel. Sure, the Chromebook line as a whole has existed for years, but the entire premise of such a range of notebooks revolved around only a couple of design goals. One of those was accessibility, and almost by default, the other was affordability.... Read more...
Earlier this year, Google did something almost ground-breaking when it introduced the Chromebook Pixel. Sure, the Chromebook line as a whole has existed for a few years, but the entire premise of such a range of notebooks revolved around only a couple of design goals. One of those was accessibility, and almost by default, the other was affordability.... Read more...
Since their respective launches, it's been oft-speculated that neither Chrome OS or Windows RT have fared too well in the market, and with an updated report from NetMarketShare, we can now add some substance to that. Net Applications, which monitors a number of large websites for usage statistics and then publishes... Read more...
Hey look, Google and Samsung are throwing a Chrome OS party and you're all invited. Guests of honor include a faster, upgraded Chromebook model, and a Chromebox that's set to challenge Apple's Mac Mini to a dance off. Both of these products sport an updated flavor of Google's Chrome OS with a new user interface that... Read more...
Google’s Chrome OS hit the ground running well over a year ago with the introduction of the CR-48. That little black laptop shipped out to a handful of early adopters who put the very first Chrome OS builds through their paces. It was new. It was refreshing. It was different. But was it cut out for mainstream use? In Google's mind, the... Read more...
Google's Chrome OS came close to being labeled vaporeware after its highly publicized initial announcement, at least by some. But at Google, there was never any doubt about its future. Just as they have done with the Chrome Web browser, Google has poured tons of resources into Chrome OS. It's a radical system, no matter how you slice... Read more...
Well, if there's one way to really showcase your product, it's doing something radical to get it in the hands of consumers. And this, is radical. Virgin America has just teamed up with Google (and presumably, Samsung) in order to get Series 5 Chromebooks onto Virgin America flights. The test run gives flyers the... Read more...
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