Items tagged with Chrome OS

For awhile, Google's Chrome OS has been somewhat of a mystery to end-users. It was introduced this summer, but all that we were ever provided was a cute logo and a few vague promises. Since that time, Microsoft has launched Windows 7 and Apple has introduced Snow Leopard, so it's about time for Google to step up to... Read more...
You know, NVIDIA tends to harsh on Intel every chance it gets, but honestly, it's kind of cute. It's like your brother fussing at you, even though you know he loves you--you just can't help but smile. But when it comes to NVIDIA and Google, now that's a couple we could see going to the senior prom. And if new reports... Read more...
Without a doubt, Google's Chrome OS has sent shockwaves through the entire software industry. Even companies that are just somewhat related to the netbook/browser/open source fields are taking notice, and you can bet the biggest player (that'd be Microsoft) is watching every tiny footstep as the proposed operating system inches closer to reality.No... Read more...
Earlier this week, Google shocked many people when it announced plans to enter the operating system business and offer a Chrome operating system. Although the new Chrome OS isn’t scheduled to be out until sometime next year, many potential customers are already starting to ask questions. For starters, some people are already wondering if they... Read more...
Shock of the month? The year, even? Out of absolutely nowhere, Google--the search engine champ at the moment and the developer of Android--has announced its first full-fledged operating system. Of course, maybe we shouldn't be so surprised. After all, it's not like Google hasn't been dabbling in applications for awhile now.In fact, this announcement... Read more...
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