Items tagged with cable

Time Warner Cable Inc. is bringing its customers into its battle over programming fees it pays to stations to carry their signals on its systems.The company - the nation's second-largest cable TV operator - began asking its subscribers this week to vote on whether it should "roll over" or "get tough" in negotiations with the networks. It claims... Read more...
Boxee has been on a wild, wild ride since debuting to the world last year, and for those looking for new ways to catch more content online, it has become the go-too application. And while it has certainly taken off, there's still lots of room to grow. One of the main reasons that it has yet to become a household name outside of the tech community... Read more...
The long-discussed Comcast online television experiment will launch before year's end, allowing viewers to — legally — watch certain shows online for the first time. A couple dozen networks - including HBO, Showtime, TNT and AMC - have agreed to allow Comcast to provide access to their most popular television shows... Read more...
You've heard horror stories from your pals who attempted to handle data migration processes on their own, and you're scared to death to make the leap to Windows 7. Thankfully, Belkin knows just what a tough spot you're in, and it has devised a dedicated cable to solve the problem that worries you most: upgrading. Of... Read more...
Comcast plans to take its television on demand feature one step further:  to your mobile devices.The U.S. cable company recently started offering wireless Internet service in some cities, jointly with Clearwire Corp., using WiMax technology. It has its sights squarely set on mobile phone/data providers, such as... Read more...
The FCC has been particularly concerned about the Internet over the past six weeks, tasked as it is with the job of creating a national broadband policy. The FCC's chairman, Julius Genachowski, has gone on record proclaiming that spreading broadband across the country is a massive, possibly culture-changing event, on par with the creation... Read more...
For HTPC owners, most thought this day would never come. It's a liberation celebration, and frankly, it's coming way too late. Still, we'll take late over never almost all of the time, so we can't help but thank those involved for finally freeing CableCARDs of the OEM chains. This past week at CEDIA, Microsoft announced that anyone could now... Read more...
Although many would guess otherwise, the cable industry is actually growing faster than the wireless sector. This surprising fact comes courtesy of Bernstein Research analyst Craig Moffett. He explains in his latest Weekend Media Blast piece that while subscriber growth in the wireless industry over the last 12 months is up 5.3%, revenue per... Read more...
Verizon's betting that more and more television viewers want to Tweet and update Facebook while watching their favorite shows, movies and sporting events.  Now FiOS customers can do just that through widgets developed for Verizon's TV services.With this new addition, perhaps Comcast will have one less "don't fall for FiOS" FUD point that... Read more...
Since announcing the inception of TV Everywhere last month, Comcast has managed to line up a whopping 23 networks to agree to provide their content online.It started simply, with an agreement between the cable company and Time Warner (owner of TNT and TBS and, interestingly enough, a cable company as well) to provide shows online, on demand.... Read more...
Remember the days when we weren't even sure if Sony's PlayStation 3 would rely on HDMI to output its high-definition content? Seems like an eternity ago, right? Today, HDMI is a home theater mainstay, and a practical guarantee on any piece of new A/V equipment. We're even seeing it pop up on lower-end notebooks these days, which certainly... Read more...
We're not able to speak for everyone, obviously, but we certainly don't go out of our way to make sure our HDMI cables are visible to house guests. In fact, we go to rather extreme lengths to make sure the cabling in our home theater systems is concealed. Rather than trying to hide something as natural as an HDMI cable in a high definition... Read more...
As it stands today, there are quite a few television shows available online for free via Hulu and broadcast websites, provided you’re willing to sit through a few ads. The cable companies are losing out on customers because of this content, so now they’re looking for a way to strong-arm customers into paying for cable. Their solution? To offer... Read more...
Verizon has a good thing going with their FiOS  bundled service packages.(fiber-optic service that can simultaneously deliver TV, fast Internet and telephone) Its appeal is based around the very fast upload and download speeds that their fiber-optic cable can deliver. They've become a kind of de facto alternate for cable TV and Internet... Read more...
Now here's a sport we can all enjoy: Speedcabling. Contestants are given a rat's nest of six tangled ethernet cables and are timed as they try to unravel them. The very first speedcabling  event was held in an art gallery in Los Angeles. Matthew Howell is my new hero. Very Zen in his technique. "The finals were brutal - 12 ethernet cords,... Read more...
A massive volume of telecommunications data flows through undersea cables.  We've seen the havoc that's created when one of them is severed, and it looks like the middle-east and western Asia are now experiencing the trouble created when 4 of them are damaged in a little less than a week.Having one cable damaged is unusual, 2 or more... Read more...
Netflix is making deals with electronics makers to allow their rental service customers to (eventually) stream high-definition video directly to their televisions. Netflix has been tinkering with the idea of offering their own set-top box, but seem to be abandoning that idea in favor of working with established manufacturers of televisions... Read more...
Comcast-related news hasn't been positive lately, at least from a user's standpoint, as Comcast has been proven to be blocking P2P communications. Even the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has weighed in on that one. This week at the CableNEXT conference, some positive news: Comcast Chief Technology Officer Tony Werner said in his Wednesday... Read more...
The least Hot Hardware in the world might be your set-top cable box. It unscrambles your signal and changes the channel. The FCC thought it would sex up the lowly technology and spur competition by requiring set-top boxes be configured to allow the end user to purchase the box, with an installable card supplied by the cable provider to make... Read more...
CableLabs, Intel to Bring OpenCable Platform to Future Intel Consumer Electronics Products Member Companies Collaborate to Deliver Innovative Set-Top Boxes for Interactive Services SANTA CLARA, Calif. and LOUISVILLE, Colo., June 25, 2007 — Intel Corporation and... Read more...
Here's what happens when you mix overly restrictive DRM technologies with the bureaucracy of cable companies, the MPAA, the FCC, ATI/AMD, and numerous other players.  MaximumPC is working on a review of three home theater PCs for an upcoming issue, and while they were impressed with many facets of the machines, they came away disappointed... Read more...
To coin a phrase from a very well respected colleague, Ars Technica has a bit of "put your ass in the know tonight" (that's PYAITK) with a look-ahead at the DOCSIS 3 Cable Modem standard. Oh baby, glorious bandwidth!  "Any geek will tell you that there's no such thing as "too fast" when it comes to broadband speeds,... Read more...
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