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If you're a classic gamer, you've probably had the unhappy experience of firing up a beloved older title you haven't played in a decade or two, squinting at the screen, and thinking: "Wow. I didn't realize it looked this bad." The reasons why games can wind up looking dramatically worse than you remember isn't just...
To paraphrase David Letterman, we wouldn’t give Nintendo’s troubles to a monkey on a rock. Amid a terrible sales performance that only got worse over the first quarter of this year (Nintendo president Satoru Iwata took a 50% pay cut over the the Wii U’s awful sales back in January) and a mini-scandal when word emerged that...
Nintendo said it's planning to disconnect its Wi-Fi Connection service for Wii consoles and DS handhelds on May 20, 2014. That means no more online play, matchmaking, or leaderboards for many Wii, Nintendo DS, and DSi games. In addition, users will no longer be able to share their own generated content, exchange...
It's reasons like what we're about to talk about why it's truly sad to see Nintendo struggling so much in the console market, because it seems to care a lot more about its customers than the other guys. A couple of years ago, when EA announced FIFA 13 for the Wii, it was quickly established that the differences...
It's common knowledge that game console and game sales have been in a serious slump this year. According to conventional wisdom, this is part of the console refresh cycle -- sales of older hardware falls off as customers await new products, even when manufacturers are publicly committed to long life cycles for current...
Not all dreams go on to become reality, even in the world of video games. Avid gamers may recall a Wii accessory announced many moons ago -- it's the sensor you see here. The Vitality Sensor was supposed to be another step towards making the Wii the go-to fitness console. After all, the Balance Board gave gamers...
Augmented Reality - "AR" for short - is nothing new, but with products like Google Glass set to launch soon, it's garnering a lot more attention than usual. In fact, at least where advertising is concerned, analyst Juniper Research predicts that AR advertising will become a $1.5 billion market by 2015 - up from a $2 million one in 2010. That's...
Sad times ahead for Wii users who aren't planning on upgrading to a Wii U. While the Wii managed to gain Amazon Instant Video streaming capabilities after the Wii U was announced, it now looks as if things are sliding downhill from here on out. As consoles (and software / hardware of any description, really) begins to age, OEMs traditionally...
If you're still hanging on to your original Wii, or you managed to pick up a Wii Mini on a recent trip to Canada, you may be in luck. If you're an avid viewer of content from Amazon's Instant Video library, you'll be delighted to know that original Wii owners can now stream those movies, documentaries and TV shows...
As with any new console launch, the recently launched Wii U system is in short supply. It's shaping up to be this holiday season's hot item, but it might not be the only console Nintendo launches before the end of the year. Rumor has it there's a Wii Mini slated for a December launch. Citing a release schedule from a "major retailer," Nintendo...
The more things change, the more they stay the same. How so? Well, it's been six long years since the last major console launch (the original Wii and PlayStation 3 both debuted in November, 2006), and though the landscape looks decidedly different these days, gamers apparently still have to deal with yesteryear...
Nintnedo's making a concerted effort to play a bigger role in living room entertainment with its Wii U console than it did with the original Wii, but some features integral to that goal won't be available right off the bat. The company didn't give a specific reason as to why the delay was taking place, and instead offered up a canned statement...
As of November 4, 2012 and just a few days after it turned six years old, the PlayStation 3 console reached a milestone of 70 million cumulative worldwide unit sales, Sony announced on Friday. In addition, sales of the PlayStation Move motion controller have now surpassed 15 million units around the globe. "The PS3 system has delivered high...
With Nintendo getting ready to roll out its next generation Wii U console on November 18, 2012, the company decided now was a good time to cut the price of its existing Wii hardware, or at least to announce it. Effective October 28, you'll be able to snag a black Wii bundle for $130 (MSRP), down $20 from the previous...
Although mobile and social gaming is all the rage, gaming on a living room console connected to your TV has always been a thoroughly enjoyable way to while away the hours alone or with friends. In recent years, the Xbox (alone and with the Kinect), Wii, and Playstation have dominated living rooms. Now there’s...
Nintendo is refreshing its Wii console in time for the holiday shopping season -- Huzzah! It's going to sport a slimmer, sleeker design and be part of a holiday bundle that includes the New Super Bros. Wii game, a special Super Mario Galaxy soundtrack CD that isn't available anywhere else, a black Wii Remote Plus controller, and black Nunchuk...
Nintendo's Wii U was one of the biggest unveils at E3 this year, but neither Sony nor Microsoft is going to be goaded into tipping their hands. Sony is apparently annoyed with certain game developers, some of whom have implied that the PS4 is none too far away. Jack Tretton, CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America, told Forbes...
Nintendo's next-generation Wii console is expected to be one of the biggest unveils at E3 this year, but data from Nielsen suggests gamers aren't especially eager for the new system. The organization's poll data shows that while 27 percent of those polled are interested in a new Nintendo, 25 percent and 24 percent would also be interested...
Proving that patience is a virtue, Nintendo today confirmed earlier rumors of a Wii price cut by slashing the price of its flagship console to $150, but it doesn't stop there. Available in either black or white, the lower priced Wii is part of a new bundle that also includes the Mario Kart game and a matching colored...
The rumor mill is buzzing with chatter about Nintendo's Wii console and whether a second generation device is on the horizon. It all started last month when Nintendo America President, Reggie Fils-Aime, made it pretty clear that the successor to the Wii would not adopt 3D, leading some to wonder if Nintendo was working on a new console. Things...
No one actually doubted that motion gaming was popular. Nintendo sold through tons of Wii consoles, and for over year there was a consumer shortage. In fact, the movement was so noticeable that both Sony and Microsoft decided to embark on a journey of their own to embrace motion gaming. Sony chose the Move, and Microsoft chose Kinect. They're...
A Wacom tablet...for the Wii?! That's pretty much right, actually. Ever since Nintendo's Wii was launched, not too many wild and zany peripherals have come out that didn't incorporate the Wii remote in some way. For the most part, the Wii remote was as wild as it gets, so there's not a lot of extra room to innovate beyond that without using...