Nintendo's eShop Listing for EA's FIFA 14 Highlights Absolute Lack of Change Over FIFA 13
It's reasons like what we're about to talk about why it's truly sad to see Nintendo struggling so much in the console market, because it seems to care a lot more about its customers than the other guys. A couple of years ago, when EA announced FIFA 13 for the Wii, it was quickly established that the differences between it and FIFA 12 were roster updates - that's it.
Let's face it: Games are not inexpensive. Sure, as a one-off purchase, $50~$60 isn't hard to stomach, but the fact of the matter is, the market is filled to the brim with games that are worth buying. So picture then, picking up the latest sports title from EA, only to find out that you should have just stuck with the previous version, ignoring the roster updates. That wouldn't just be upsetting, that'd be a little enraging.
After that debacle, it was hoped that EA wouldn't try to pull the same stunt again - but lo and behold, it has. With FIFA 14 Legacy Edition for the Nintendo DS (and PS Vita / PSP), it was left up to Nintendo to tell the masses that there's absolutely nothing "new" with the title. The description as per the eShop listing:
"FIFA 14 Legacy Edition delivers unmatched authenticity that reflects the current football season with updated kits and rosters but no updates to gameplay or game modes"
Roster and kit updates are present, but that's not a new feature - that's a given. While those updates are nice, it's not the reason people pick up the latest version of a sports game. Given EA's love for DLC, I could picture a roster update being sold as such, and while that'd be a little foolish, it'd be at least a little understandable. But could you envision such DLC being sold on another platform for $40~50? Never - but for those who are upgrading from FIFA 13 to 14 on the DS, that's effectively what they're getting.
I should mention that EA also updated the cover, removing two players and leaving just Lionel Messi. I guess that beefs up the offering a bit.
I'm usually quick to jump on the hate that's thrown at EA all the time. It's almost become a standard, something that people just do without thinking. But when stunts like this are pulled, it becomes ever more difficult to even think about defending the company. What should have happened with these titles is a cancellation, or them be sold to owners of the previous titles at a discount. Even then, it's hard to side by the absolute lack of a feature update.