Search Results For: verizon.aspx

The rumors were true--Verizon has indeed purchased Intel’s OnCue service, which promised streaming cloud TV over the Internet that would have challenged traditional pay TV paradigms. OnCue sounded like a pet project, headed by Intel Media VP Erik Huggers, and it was definitely one of those... Read more...
Verizon Communications reported an 8 percent year-over-year increase in wireless service revenues in the fourth quarter of 2013, which was helped in part by adding 1.7 million mobile subscribers. The wireless carrier is now home to 102.8 million total cellular subscribers, bolstering its position as the leading... Read more...
If you want to know what nifty smartphones are right around the corner, one surefire way to find out is to go pick up a device and lock yourself into a contract. Usually without fail, something newer, bigger, faster, and all around better pops up in the market immediately after, leaving you stuck with a last generation smartphone for the duration... Read more...
You know who’s not a fan of net neutrality? Verizon. The mobile carrier issued a challenge to--and defeated--the FCC’s order that imposes net neutrality rules that include transparency, no blocking, and no unreasonable discrimination policies. The U.S. Court of Appeals has vacated the anti-discrimination... Read more...
Intel Media VP Erik Huggers had dreams of making a big impact on the TV market (or at least get a foot in the door) with a special unit of the company called OnCue, but it was not to be. Word emerged back in October that Intel may have a deal in the works with Verizon, and according to the Washington Post’s... Read more...
We haven’t heard much from Canonical about its Ubuntu for mobile since its ill-fated $32 million crowdfunding attempt, but it appears that the company has finally found a hardware partner for its mobile operating system. Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth dropped the news to CNET: "We have concluded our first... Read more...
If you have ever lost a mobile phone, or worse, had one stolen, an announcement out of CTIA this week might bring a little bit of comfort. A global, multi-carrier database for tracking lost or stolen phones has now been completed, which builds on the initial efforts launched last year by AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile... Read more...
Smartphone theft (and, let’s be honest with our absent-minded and clumsy selves, loss) is a major problem, and a potential solution proposed by lawmakers in San Francisco and New York has been shot down by the big four wireless carriers. San Francisco DA George Gascón (who has been working on solutions... Read more...
While Google rolls out its Google Fiber gigabit Internet service slowly and surely in Kansas City, Provo (UT), and Austin (TX), other companies such as CenturyLink, C-Spire, and AT&T have pledged to provide similar services. At least one city isn’t waiting for an ISP to take the reigns on a gigabit Internet... Read more...
Intel created a unit dedicated to developing a TV streaming service and associated hardware, and despite pledges from Intel Media vice president Erik Huggers that we could see the service launch by the end of the year, it appears that the experiment is over. According to AllThingsD’s sources, Intel is close to... Read more...
No matter where you stand on President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act (ACA), otherwise known as Obamacare, one thing most people can agree on is that the rollout of the government sponsored website,, has been absolutely horrific. Weeks after launching, the website is still spitting out a range of errors when people try to... Read more...
Hopefully you've never had to experience "bill shock" before, but if you're curious what it feels like, a trip overseas followed by liberal use of your smartphone's texting, data, and voice will do the trick. International roaming rates are obscenely high, and if you're not careful, you can come home to a bill that's... Read more...
Microservers may not be for everyone, but when computing requirements are low, such as with a cloud server, they could be perfect. Such proof of that comes from Verizon today, which has just announced its plans to adopt thousands of microservers to back its 'Verizon Cloud' network. Perhaps better still, the purchases are going to AMD, which... Read more...
Some people get all the luck. As you're probably aware, Verizon Wireless nixed its unlimited data plan over a year ago in favor of a tiered data packages that can be shared among family members on the same account. If you were an existing unlimited data subscriber at the time of the change, you could keep your plan... Read more...
When my contract with Verizon Wireless expired a few months ago, I hightailed it over to Sprint, lured to the nation's third largest carrier by its guarantee of unlimited data for life. I could have had something similar with Verizon, as I had been grandfathered into the carrier's unlimited data plan, but that meant paying full price for a... Read more...
Motorola announced that the Moto X Developer Edition (for GSM networks, i.e. AT&T and T-Mobile) is now available. The phone’s unlocked bootloader is the prime feature here, and having that luxury will cost you a cool $649. The device sports 32GB of memory and features a two-tone design with a white woven... Read more...
Carrier lock-in has long been the bane (well, a bane) of the mobile user’s life. Being unable to switch between carriers at will because of lengthy contracts and the need to buy a new phone and throw the old, now-useless one in a ditch somewhere* even though it’s a perfectly fine piece of hardware when you... Read more...
Two years is an eternity in technology, especially when you're dealing with the fast moving mobile world in which today's smartphones are obsolete almost as quickly as you unwrap them. Nevertheless, two year service agreements in exchange for subsidized pricing are the norm, though more recently, wireless carriers in... Read more...
Not feeling Apple's suggested pricing for its latest iPhones? If you can stomach a trip to Walmart, you'll be able to score the 5C for $79 (-$20 SRP) and the 5S for $189 (-$10 SRP). This pricing is of course made possible thanks to contracts; going with either Verizon, AT&T or Sprint, you'll be locked-in for 2 years. Already in a contract?... Read more...
By and large, AT&T's LTE expansion efforts have lagged behind those put forth by Verizon Wireless. But when it all comes down, a lot of has to do with spectrum. Those who have plenty of it, have plenty of opportunities to blanket areas. Those without it, starve. Now, AT&T has announced that it has made final a... Read more...
As hard as it is to believe that such a fight could even exist, it looks like the courts are beginning to side with the likes of Verizon in the belief that ISPs should have the right to discriminate against websites. Net neutrality, a simple principle that states that the Internet should be "open" is at risk of becoming a moot point, nothing... Read more...
Shopping a high-end handset, are you? Well fancy that, we just happen to have something you may want to look at! Wading through the pertinent specs of several different smartphones is, quite frankly, a little overwhelming, especially when you're starting at a 2-year commitment with the one you ultimately choose. To... Read more...
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