Search Results For: nintendo.aspx

It's hard to get your game on when, on your first date, you promise a home cooked meal followed by a viewing of Avatar in full 3D splendor. It's not that you can't cook -- if that's the case, order take-out before she gets there and pop it in the oven -- but there's just no way to look pimp wearing a pair of 3D... Read more...
When you think about portable gaming handhelds, you probably think first of Nintendo and Sony. Which is perfectly logical given just how important the Game Boy line was in the history of gaming and just how popular the PSP line is today. But the handheld gaming world is much, much bigger than just two giant companies. All sorts of smaller... Read more...
What if your game console had a 3G wireless connection? What if your portable gaming handheld had one? It's a reasonable question to ask, and you have to assume that executives at Nintendo, Sony and the rest of the crowd are asking that same question. There's a clear and present demand for mobile data; Apple's iPad comes in a 3G version, and... Read more...
Sony has bought in, and even Nintendo has bought in. There's 3D titles coming for the PS3, and there's a 3DS handheld coming soon; Nintendo even confessed to thinking about the possibilities of a future 3D home game console. So that's two of the main three game makers who are seemingly on board with 3D, surely Microsoft will follow suit soon,... Read more...
Is it really any surprise? It shouldn't be. 3D is going mainstream, and that means entering product segments that it hasn't entered before. Like gaming. Sony was the first major gaming company to confess that they would be producing 3D titles and supporting 3D playback via the PlayStation 3, and now Nintendo seems to be following suit. The... Read more...
It's true: Nintendo is entering the 3D world. With Sony already announcing that a number of future PlayStation 3 titles would support 3D, Nintendo has been quick to follow in order to keep pace. Microsoft is taking a slightly different route by focusing on mainstream tactics and a new all-body motion sensing technology, but we have to confess... Read more...
Did Google miss a critical opportunity? Some might say they did. Google has obviously capitalized on quite a number of market openings, paving the way for true smartphone competition with Android, putting Yahoo! and MSN on their toes with Google search, and putting Yahoo! Mail as well as Hotmail on guard with Gmail. And that's just the beginning.... Read more...
Here's something you don't see every single day: an agency that advocates getting off your rear and exercising, endorsing a video game console. It's sort of like the Twilight Zone, but sure enough, the American Heart Association is actually putting their stamp of approval on Nintendo's Wii console and a number of... Read more...
Apple's iPod touch and iPad haven't really been out long enough to determine their long-term place in handheld gaming. Sony's PSP and Nintendo's DS lineup are still the go-to handhelds when you think of gaming on-the-go, but there's no doubt that Apple is having at least a small impact on things. The App Store is... Read more...
Nintendo's Wii has been a runaway hit all over the world, with the game console remaining in a constant state of "sold out everywhere" for nearly a full year after launch in the U.S. People obviously can't get enough of controlling their games with their own hands (and Wii remotes), but now that things have calmed... Read more...
Sure, web searching can be fun, especially when you're hitting up, ahem, seedier sides of the web (that other 'Tube - don't act like you don't know it). But can surfing the web be fun on the Wii, so much so that it warrants a video game?Google and Nintendo seem to think so, and the two have teamed up to develop a game called "Ando Kensaku,"... Read more...
Fully a third of the top dogs on Barron's 30 Most Respected CEOs list released in this week's print edition hail from the tech world.Given how virtually all anyone talks about these days (other than healthcare, but don't expect a discussion of that here) is social media, gadgets and the interwebz, it should be no... Read more...
Oh, boy. 3D really might be taking over the world. In all honesty, we won't believe that until Google announces a 3D version of their search engine, but believe us, it's probably already in the works. Just when you thought there couldn't possibly be another 3D announcement on the horizon, Nintendo (of all companies!)... Read more...
Uniforms, tighter schedules, banning of cellphones; could school possibly get any less organized? We're sure it could, but the higher-ups at Nintendo want to affect schools in a positive way by introducing their products into them, of course.  We have previously heard of Dance Dance Revolution being used in... Read more...
Nintendo has their Wii remote, Microsoft will soon have their Project Natal, and now, Sony has their PlayStation Move. At the GDC '10 conference in San Francisco, the maker of the PS3 decided to cut loose and unveil the "next generation" in console control, though it's really just a sophisticated improvement upon the... Read more...
Nintendo's next-generation, up-a-size DS model (the DSi XL) is set to launch in just over a month and the company lifted the lid today on what we can expect at launch. For those of you who aren't in the know, the upcoming DSi XL is a 'large' revision to the DSi's form factor. The unit's iconic twin displays offer 93 percent more viewing area,... Read more...
In our analysis of the iPad, we essentially came to the conclusion that it was a large iPod touch. Funny, because that's exactly the same conclusion that one of the most powerful individuals in the tech industry came to. It's unusual for executives from rival companies to come right out in the media and speak up with their feelings about a... Read more...
Apple has made no secret of its intentions to rival the likes of Sony and Nintendo in the handheld gaming market. They clearly feel that the iPod touch and iPhone 3GS have what it takes to make people think twice about shelling out for a dedicated gaming handheld and those $20-$40 games. But one phone player that has remained relatively quiet... Read more...
Talk about an interesting decision here. As Sony plans to pump up its PSP Go for the holiday season, Nintendo is going to attempt to pedal its existing DSi even though the whole world now knows that a larger version is on the way. That's right, an enlarged DSi. For years, the DS has been slimming down, but now it... Read more...
There's little doubt that Nintendo changed the gaming world forever with its Wii remote (or Wiimote, if you please). Before the Wii, gamers were stuck using control pads, joysticks, keyboards and mice to interact with digital realms, but Nintendo made it possible for actual human movements to control gameplay. Now, Sony is under pressure to... Read more...
Now there's one less reason to turn off the TV -  you can access the Internet through your Wii, for free (again).Those who got the Wii when it first launched in November 2006 will remember the Internet Channel came as a free download at the time. It allows Wii owners to surf the net on their televisions. The Wii Remote allows users to... Read more...
Nintendo announced a slew of releases today, including the launch of Wii Fit Plus and new colors for the DSi.Starting Sept. 13, Nintendo will sell white and pink versions of the DSi system, in addition to the blue and black already out there. Perhaps they figured more girls would be likely to buy if they had pink? Unclear, but just like the... Read more...
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