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NVIDIA is cringing this one out and there's really not much that can be said about it, beyond what the founder of Linux already has. In a rather passionate response to a student developer's question about NVIDIA driver support for Linux on her notebook, at a talk at Finland's Aalto Center for Entrepreneurship, Torvalds absolutely...
The whole $25 Raspberry Pi Linux computer thing has been fun to follow, despite the delivery delays and occasional hardware whoopsie. One of the headaches some users have apparently been experiencing is that they’ve had to reinstall the firmware after working with the Raspberry Pi images. A dev named Hexxeh got...
Google Drive has already hit the Mac, PC and Android worlds, with iOS, Linux and even Google's own Chrome OS still on the waiting list. Google made clear that iPhone and iPad owners would get served in a couple of weeks, and recently said that Linux users wouldn't be left out, either. But surely, surely Chrome OS is on the list to get a pinch...
Raspberry Pi is one of the biggest little names of 2012, promising a Linux-based micro PC for as little as $35. A $35 PC could obviously do wonders for the world at large, in developing nations and beyond, but there's just one problem: shipping. It's turning out to be fairly tough for a company to create a Linux-based...
Well, it can’t be all gumdrops and rainbows; the folks behind the tiny $25 Raspberry Pi Linux-based computer, a trendy item in tech circles that saw demand immediately outpace supply when it went up for preorder, announced that due to a small manufacturing problem, the first wave of Raspberry Pis will be delayed. According to a company...
Is Linux finally ready to take the world by storm? Probably not, but on the same day that Microsoft is promising the next major look at Windows 8, RS Components will be offering up the most highly-anticipating Linux-based product in years. The Raspberry Pi $35 computer went on pre-order today to those in the UK, with servers being initially...
Milestones come and go, but hitting the big ten is always a feat worth applauding. It seems like just yesterday that the first beta of Mozilla's Firefox was rolling out, but today -- millions of users later -- the tenth iteration is available for download. Firefox 10.1 is now ready to be used by Mac, Linux and PC...
Michael Dell is exactly what the Windows and Linux community need right now. It doesn't matter if you're not a fan of Dell computers, it's Mr. Dell's message that speaks to computer users far and wide. Consider that Apple is pushing hard into the mobile space with its iPad tablet devices, creating a sector that some...
A story on the FoxNews website reports that in a matter of days, PC gamers have been able to decipher the structure of a retrovirus protein that has stymied scientists for years. The protein is a critical component in how some viruses multiply, including HIV. It is hoped that the findings will help open the door to the creation of new...
In a recent interview, Linux Foundation Executive Director Jim Zemlin declared Linux the victor in its decades-long war with Microsoft. Asked about the importance of MS as a continuing rival, Zemlin stated, "I think we just don't care that much [about Microsoft] anymore," Zemlin said. "They used to be our big rival...
Red Hat, the company responsible for delivering Linux and a myriad other open source solutions, has today announced an expanded partnership with Fujitsu that extends the technology leaders' collaboration to the cloud. We're starting to hear more and more about the cloud these days, and it's not a surprise. As Internet connections become easier...
HotHardware guest post by: Jesse Litton The new version of the most popular desktop Linux distribution (according to DistroWatch statistics) is now available, and as always: completely free to use, redistribute, fold, spindle, and mutilate. The announcement e-mail can be found here. (Ubuntu 10.10 LiveCD) New/updated features:...
Word all over the Web this morning is that Asus is planning a $300 tablet for the back to school crowd. It will run a special version of Linux, and barring an unforeseen hiccups, you can expect the device to hit the retail segment in October. Make no mistake though, this thing isn't being designed to take on the iPad. A more likely rival is...
There's just no question that Skype has revolutionized calling, and has basically delivered VoIP to the mainstream. Before Skype, VoIP was mostly used to make intracompany calls and teleconference calls, but few consumers bothered with it. The setup was simply too difficult, and there was no unified way to actually...
Not sure if you've noticed, but Linux is quietly gaining steam. Android is becoming a huge mobile OS, Ubuntu is getting more and more attention, and now Linux builds are fetching huge amounts of money from mainstays in the industry. We're talking about Phoenix Technologies, which was recently purchased by HP for a staggering $12 million. Hewlett-Packard,...
It's one thing when Apple tips their hat to Microsoft by announcing that Bing is now a selectable search engine within the next iOS release, but when someone in the Linux world gives a hat tip to Apple, well, we all had to check and make sure the world below wasn't frozen over. Canonical's CEO Chris Kenyon recently had a discussion surrounding...
You've heard of DeviceVM. You may not know of it, but if you follow netbooks, notebooks and/or operating systems, you've probably heard of a little thing called "Splashtop," an instant-on OS that has made its made onto a great many machines now. But the world is changing--CPUs are getting faster, operating systems are getting lighter, and...
Cherrypal, maker of the $99 (Linux) and $118 (Windows CE) "Cherrypal Africa" laptop line, has gone and released another low-priced notebook, this time built around Google's Android platform. It's called the "Cherrypal Asia" and comes in either a basic version with a 7-inch screen, or a 10-1-inch widescreen version. "Android is the ideal operating...
Linux doesn't get nearly the attention or credit it deserves in the consumer realm. Most web servers run on Linux, and anyone who engages in secondary education in programming will undoubtedly spend some serious time within a Linux environment. Yet, out in the public realm, hardly any average consumer would understand...
There aren't too many Linux users out there in the consumer world, at least from a global market share perspective. But there's no doubt that Ubuntu is about as popular a variant as they come for Linux, and the newest version has just recently been released. The new version is 10.04 LTS, which is arriving right around a year after 9.10 "Karmic...
As sincere as Sony can apparently be, the console maker has an issued an apology to gamers worldwide who might be upset at the removal of the "Install Other OS" option from their PlayStation 3. For a select few, the touted ability to install an alternative OS was a huge selling point in the PS3's favor, so we can...
If it looks like Windows and acts like Windows, then it must be...Linux! Or at least that's the case with the North Korean government's "Red Star" operating system, as Russian college student and LiveJournal blogger "ashen_rus" (real name Mikhail) tells it.Mikhail posted a review of the Red Star OS on his blog, and...